Thursday, May 19, 2011

So, end of the year. I finished. I didn't get on ac pro. I actually had a somewhat decent gpa.

And yeah...that's that, I guess...

Josh is graduating soon. I bought my dress and shoes for grad ball and also scheduled my appt for hair/makeup. So excited! :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Well...5 classes between me and the weekend. I CAN'T WAIT!

Finished Calc 3. Finished English 211. About to finish EM 330 and PS 211. Finish ECE 231 after lunch and I finish MSS 200 and Chem 200 tmrw.


Sunday, May 1, 2011


Obama just reported that we have killed Osama bin Laden! woot! Who's next? :)

Anyway, studying for a couple tests this week and a paper due on Tuesday. Other than that, I'm good. Just need to finish it all up... After Tuesday, I'm done with stuff that's due and I'm focused on studying for finals.

Life is goooooooooood!