Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Music and Everything

Well...good news!  I wrote to the A-Man to ask him if he'd received my email.  He said he had and the 16th was fine.  Give him directions and he'll meet me at my house.  :D  I'm very happy!!

I love, love, LOVE! Ludovico Einaudi's music.  He definitely knows how to invoke emotions of many different kinds.  Most of his music is very soothing and relaxing.  I, however, love it.  Listen to Primavera ("Spring") or any of his other music for that matter.  I definitely recommend it to everyone.

I'm meeting with my ALO on the 16th as well for my interview for USAFA.  I'm kind of nervous but rather excited at the same time.  I'm nervous because it's an interview and, honestly, how can you not be nervous?  But I'm excited because the interview means I'm still in the running for a slot at the Academy, which I definitely want!  So...yeah.

However, I have reasons to be happy too.  I'm meeting with the A-Man that day too!  Cool, eh?  Very cool.  I'm happy.

"Oh, frabjous day! Calloo!  Callay!" (to quote Lewis Carroll)

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