Friday, September 12, 2008

Boys, Life, Etc.

So, I haven't updated in a while because I haven't had anything to say.  Now I do.

I talked to the A-Man the other day.  He was all like "sorry I haven't talked to you lately".  Anyway, he's homeschooled now!  Like, how incredibly awesome is that?  Of course, I'm going to be a lot more careful.  I think we kinda rushed into our "non-relationship", lol.  Although, I definitely do want to see him again.

As for other guys, I definitely want to see the Jew-Jitsu Sensei again as well.  And the Slackerhorn.  And, of course, the KOMS.  But definitely the Jew-Jitsu Sensei.  :)

And, of course, in my lovely engineering classes, I'm one of one girl and one of three.  There's this guy that I think likes me in both of my classes.  He'll wait for me to finish so we can walk out to our cars together.  He'll help me with my drawings, etc.  I don't know.  Maybe I just want him to like me, lol.  

In my other class, this guy sits next to me but didn't previously.  On like the third day of class, he moved to sit next to me and has sat there since.  We joke around a lot too.  He rebuilds old cars - like Model T's!  How cool is that?  Very cool.  lol

And, then of course, there's the random guy at church.  But they're all like shorter than me.

My brother is going to a public school now.  He really likes it too.  And, benefit: he asked me to homecoming with him!  lol.  Not as a date but because I *really* wanted to go so he finally said he'd take me but I have to go as a "date" or else I can't get in 'cause it's a school thing.  lol.  But yeah, I'm going to go to a real homecoming!  I'm uber excited.  I'll have to find a dress...  Exciting!

Class is going well.  I'm doing well and am ahead in my homework as my professor gave us a chart at the beginning of the year that says: 'here are all your assignments and when they are due.  turn them in.'  I like my professors too!

Work is going well.  There's a sale going on at the store so I'll get more chances to be cool.  :)

Speaking of work, I have to leave for work now.

1 comment:

AeroChick196 said...

I totally relate to the boy thing. Except many more like you than like me. But it's all good cuz I'm new here so I'm still getting to know people. :) And your bro totally rocks! :D