Monday, November 24, 2008

"Take Me In"

Watch that video. I so declare you should. It's just the music but it's a fantastic song.

Sometimes I really feel like I just need to stop thinking. Like, life would be easier if I stopped trying to find logical explanations for things. For example, I decide I would like a boyfriend. Then, without any premeditiation, my brain will kick into logic mode: you have no time, you would "use" him, you would dump him over summer so you could be free at the Academy, etc. Frustrating but useful.

Life would probably be easier if I stopped thinking but it wouldn't be as good. I'd probably make stupid mistakes and would probably do things I'd regret. I guess thinking too much can be good...

I'd kind of like to get a date for the Cadet Ball this year, because it is my last year. And maybe for prom. But that's it. Like, not a boyfriend date. Just a have fun/hang out/someone to dance with date. If that makes sense... (Any takers? lol)

I have no time for a romantic endeavour. And that's a fact.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

I would say yes if I was closer... See I would enjoy it and I have the same selfish thoughts. I mean who wants to go to prom without a date?