So yeah, those pix kinda describe me.
I have an 88% guarantee of alignment in my brain and I'm asking why. So many choices. So many decisions.
Especially as USAFA has accepted me now. Ahhh life-changing choices. Soooo complicated.
On another note, I have a funny story:
So this friend of mine, let's call her "Hannah", sort of likes this friend of ours (we'll call him "Adam"). The Cadet Ball (January 17) is coming up so I invited Hannah to go with me. I thought it'd be funny if we each took a date. (Of course, there's no way I'll find a date but I digress.) So I said she should ask Adam. Of course, she was really nervous and not wanting to. She said, "why don't you ask him?". Being me, I said, "Fine, I'll ask him." and went to find him.
However, first of all, I decided to ask his mom. (I have a couple guy friends who can't go to social dancing for family reasons and I didn't want to embarrass Adam or myself.) So I went and told his mom that he had to go to senior prom because it was senior prom and he had to go. She said that was fine. "While we are on the topic of dancing," I added, "there's this dance coming up ... [blah, blah, blah] ... and Adam should go." "Oh, that's fine. I don't mind. You're a nice girl and I have to like the girl Adam goes with so that's fine." she says. "Oh, Hannah'll be going to," I quickly amended, "So there'll be a bunch of us." "Hannah who? Oh...she's nice...but I like you so it's all good." My thoughts were: this is not going down very well...argh...
So then I asked Adam. "So, a bunch of us are going to this dance on January 17th. I'm going, and Hannah's going and -"
He interrupts: "I'm going!"
"Oh good," I replied and proceeded to give the details.
Then, I went to tell my parentals so that they'd know and my mother informs me that Adam's mother has come up to her saying that it's "soooo nice that Karen's taking Adam". *SIGH*
So Adam's mom thinks I'm taking him, Adam thinks it's a big group thing, Hannah's so excited that he's going, and I'm caught in the middle.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Never ask a guy out for a friend. Although it was fun to do and quite the experience, things will probably not work out the way they should and it will lead to extremely weird moments. (This moral reminded me of the part in Anne of the Island where Jane whatever-her-name-was asked Anne to marry Jane's brother because Jane's brother was too shy, lol.)
Comments, thoughts and ideas on how to remedy this mess are greatly appreciated. :D
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