Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So, today was Senator Carper's Academy Night. It's this huge event he runs every year to provide students with a chance to get information on different academies and on applying for nominations. One of the reasons he runs it is because he didn't find out about service academies until too late and ended up doing ROTC instead (not that that's a bad thing).

Well, this year, he asked me if I'd be willing to speak at the Academy Night on applying/getting nominations/appointments, etc. Needless to say, I was thrilled and excited beyond belief.

I wrote my speech last night.

I presented my speech today.


I have no words to describe it. I loved giving my speech - I had a ton of fun! And, Senator Carper was incredibly nice and very friendly (per his norm).

Then, I answered people's questions about applying and on nominations. It was very, very cool. I shall never forget it.

There was this really nice guy too. And my older sister. And my whole family.

And Senator Carper recognized them all and asked them to stand up during the speech. And he had us take a photo with him. And there were reporters/photographers there.

I had so much fun.


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