Monday, April 25, 2011

So, Josh finished his ruck in 1.5 hours exactly and did quite well too. I'm pretty happy for him :)

We went dress shopping over the weekend and it was kinda fun but I get super annoyed with dress shopping and yeah... He was objective which was helpful but, of course, he couldn't help me put the dresses on so... kinda hard. I'm going to go looking again this weekend because there's another store I'd like to visit. Eventually I'll find something but I'd rather get it done before M&D get here so I don't have to spend time doing that while they're here. It'll be nice to have it out of the way, too. :)

Went to the Harrison's for lunch to celebrate Easter with them. All of my sponsor siblings were there: Colby, Hilary, Tasha and Sarah as well as the Harrison's neighbors. It was pretty fun and I enjoyed the trip overall. Josh was really tired though as he had been up late doing hw...late as in 2am.

He graduates in 30 days! It's going to be absolutely crazy. I found out what I'm doing for CST too - logistics for evasion. I know I'll be in the woods but hopefully not for the entire time. Hopefully I'll be moving back and forth between the woods and USAFA. I don't want to be stuck out there

Funny story: We're in the car driving to the Harrison's and I was rambling on about the cost of Christmas presents for my family and just going on and on "and then there's Susan's kids and Adrian's kids and Allison's kids and Ian's kids and that's not even including my parents and then my family!" and he's like "and my family!" "And your family and your sister's kids and..." "...or whoever your spouse is..." But it was funny because it was automatically like "and me!" and yeah...strange but interestning.

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