Thursday, January 5, 2012

After a glorious Christmas break, I have returned to USAFA. I'll write about my break in another post. This one will be more emotional ;)

I have been a huge mess of emotions lately. I have quite literally cried everyday in the month of January. It's rather upsetting because I'm not the emotional, crying sort. I just notice Josh and my relationship changing and it saddens me. We've gone from cadets together to a cadet/officer to now, a long-distance relationship where I cannot talk to him on a regular basis. It's especially difficult now because my family is on a cruise and I cannot talk to them either. So, I am, to a certain extent, all alone.

Of course, I'm really not all alone. I've been praying a lot more lately and listening to more Christian music and reading my Bible every night. All things I had fallen away from doing since break began. Just realizing that I have this need to be with people and connected has forced me to draw closer to God and embrace His love and greatness. One of the songs I've been singing to myself a lot lately ( is "In Christ Alone". The part where it says "my comfroter, my all in all, here in the power of Christ, I stand."

Life continues.

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