Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So I started Del-Tech today. And I really enjoyed it. It went very well.

My professor in my first class is pretty cool. He worked for both Boeing and Sikorsky at different times. He's very clear with his words but he asks questions a lot like "Education equals...what?" And we all go "Uh....knowledge?" and he goes "Education equals knowledge. Yeah, I like that. Okay..." It's almost like he doesn't know, lol.

My second professor is absolutely hilarious though. He kept saying things like "Big force hit little force and, unless little force is going very fast, little force go 'boom!'" He's very cool.

And, of course, I'm in the lovely minority as a female. One of one females in my first class and one of three in my second class. And two guys from my first class are in my second too so we kind of hang together. I've already got the classes pretty much figured out at this point. The class I thought would be hard will be easier than the class I thought would be easy. However, I do have a couple advantages.

1) I'm female and therefore, I'm inherently smarter than guys. lol (jk)
2) For Intro to MechE, we are doing Tensile Tests which I've done before at the USAFA Summer Seminar (smiles).
3) Both of my parents are engineers.
4) My mother is incredibly skilled at making engineering drawings.

Speaking of engineering drawings, my final project (worth 50% of my grade) in Engineering Graphics is to draw a 3-cylinder, compressed air steam engine. *gahh* It'll be hard...but easy. In that weirdly complicated way. Mother? Help! lol

The guy front is at a rather stagnant stand still. Although I would love to go on a date, regardless of who with, I'm afraid that'll have to wait until I get out of high school. I will not have a high school sweetheart...*sniff* Life continues, however, and I shall not die.

"I will survive! I will survive!" lol

1 comment:

AeroChick196 said...

Classes have started for me too. I miss youuu!

I know how you feel about the guy thing. I'm high and dry right now, too. Meh. I'd date practically anyone here, too, but I doubt anyone will ask me. *sigh* lol

Love you lots!