Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

I know that's super late - like four days - but still... better late than never, right?

I've been in Botswana since 26 December and I leave today. It's been a great experience but it's definitely Africa. If you want to know how spoiled we are in the United States, come to Africa. It's insane... I have enjoyed myself and I've learned to be a bit more "go with the flow" due to the very fluid sense of time everyone here has.

And that fluid sense of time means that no one really knows/cares how long anything takes and things rarely happen on time. It really surprised me that anyone could care so little about being prompt but I guess that happens more often than not in Africa. I posted a super long note about it on Facebook so I don't really want to reiterate the entire thing here...

Anyway, we're off to head back to the US today and back to Colorado. I'm missing the first two days of school but no biggie, I guess...

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