Saturday, January 22, 2011

Debate tournament this weekend at Colorado College. It's going pretty well so far and I'm enjoying myself...

I'm wearing my brown pants, heels and green turtleneck today. I mentioned to the team that I thought I looked like a tree which sparked this conversation from Jeff:
"But a very nice tree!"
"Oh? Thank you, Jeff..."
"Yeah, no, you look like a nice tree or whatever - an oak tree or something."
"An oak tree..."
"Yeah, an oak tree..."

So much fun.

Yesterday, Jeff totally kicked my legs out from under me and caused me to fall down. It was absolutely hilarious and I laughed for a good 30 minutes or so... I seriously could not stop laughing... Kinda scared the team because of how much I laughed about it but was so funny. I guess I seriously wasn't expecting it or whatever so I just started laughing... Good times :D

(and also, laughing seems to be my way of saving myself from embarrassment so I'm sure that was part of it too...)

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