Thursday, February 3, 2011

I only have a little bit of homework to do between now and tomorrow which makes me very happy because I can basically goof off. Plus, I don't have to be anywhere until 9:45 tomorrow morning so I'm going to sleep in until 8:40ish. :)

I had a GR in Calc 3 today. I think it actually went really well - I was quite pleased with myself. And, I kinda stayed awake in English. Unfortunately, I didn't do very well on my EM GR so I'm going to have to rework all of the problems and turn it in again on Wednesday.

This weekend I plan on doing something somewhat productive with my life. Meaning, I'll write my poli sci paper and read the rest of "King Lear". Also, I'll finally catch up in my poli sci and MSS readings, finish reworking my EM, do some Calc 3 homework and yeah...go from there.

Fun times.

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