Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's been really weird lately. Josh and I had our first fight on Tuesday/Wednesday of this past week which massively sucked. But, we made up and it's all good now.

It's just....really weird. I don't like being around his roomie's gf and all because I feel's just awkward with them being engaged and stuff. Josh and I have never really talked about "the future" and what our plans are for after he leaves for pilot training. However, since Jim/Shauna getting engaged, it seems like we've actually talked about stuff like that. It's...just really strange. Part of me doesn't really care because we've both always been kind of far-sighted about us but part of me feels like there's almost some pressure on us. Which I don't like. And I'd really like to just have my time with Josh without having to think/worry about "oh are we getting married? what bases should I apply for? when will you know where your base is so I can put in for my bases?" I mean, if we plan on staying together long term at all, it's obviously stuff we need to discuss but still...I wish there weren't such a strange pressure thing on me.

Trying to fix my iTunes right now. By which I mean, I'm trying to move all my music from my external hdd to my comp so when I sync my ipod it actually syncs. Ughhhhhhhh! STUPID APPLE PRODUCTS!

I have this magnificent candle from yankee candle which I got this weekend. It's Christmas Wreath scented and when we lit it in Josh's room last night, it made his entire room smell like the most amazing evergreen pines and Christmas and snow and Santa and presents :)

We went and saw "Contagion" last night. It was pretty interesting but not quite what we thought it would be. Overall, I think it could've been a lot more interesting/better (maybe shorter) but it was pretty sweet :)

I really should finish my homework right now - start on that paper for BS...

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