You`re in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I`m with you
So close to feeling alive
A life goes by
Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close
So close to reaching that famous happy end
Almost believing this was not pretend
And now you`re beside me and look how far we`ve come
So far we are so close
How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We`re so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let`s go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far
Sunday, December 28, 2008
You Are a Semi-Colon |
You are elegant, understated, and subtle in your communication. You're very smart (and you know it), but you don't often showcase your brilliance. Instead, you carefully construct your arguments, ideas, and theories until they are bulletproof. You see your words as an expression of yourself, and you are careful not to waste them. You friends see you as enlightened, logical, and shrewd. (But what you're saying often goes right over their heads.) You excel in: The Arts You get along best with: The Colon |
Friday, December 26, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Dream on dreamer,
And the sun will always shine down on you
Keep on dreaming
It's alright, feel alive
Dream on dreamer,
And the world keeps spinning round and round,
You go,
Don't stop dreaming,
It's alright, we're alive ("Dream On Dreamer" by Cascada)
Come on,
Try and understand
The way I feel
When I'm in your hands
Take my hand
Come under cover
They can't hurt you now (x3)
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us ("Because the Night" by Cascada but also by Bruce Springsteen and Patty something or other...)
So, today I'm supposed to be doing lots of math, English, world history and British literature. However, I'm not. I'm not really feeling very well so I'm trying not to do much. I don't think I'm sick. I think I'm just nervous because of my interview. Because I have to fix an error in front of the entire board. Tell them that my application for nomination is wrong. And I'm kinda nervous about that. I'd prefer to just write them a letter, lol. I guess I have to take a stand, take action. And if it is an Epic Fail then it's an Epic Fail.
I'm so glad I don't really have to think or worry about colleges or anything. God is taking care of it all. I mean, of course, I can't be stupid at my interviews but I know that if it is God's will, He will allow it to happen. He will open the doors that no man can shut and shut doors that no man can open. It's all up to Him. It's in His hands and therefore, I don't have to concern myself with it. I will allow Him to run it. It's God Almighty, not Karen Almighty (thank goodness!).
We had a TEK meeting yesterday. (TEK is like a social group for homeschooled teens in 10-12 grade.) It was supposed to be a gift exchange but there were so many people we couldn't do an exchange. *sigh* I love gift exchanges.
The Senior Appreciation Banquet is coming up soon (last weekend in April). That's where all the seniors "bequeath" something to another grade student. And, the seniors all get "superlatives" awarded to them. (For example: my older sister received an AFROTC scholarship and they offered to present the award at her graduation. However, our "school" said that they couldn't do that because it wasn't fair to the other students (whatever!). So, instead, they awarded her a superlative "Most Likely to March" - puhlease! That's so lame, imho. Whatever. I'm kind of curious as to what they'll award me, lol. "Most Likely to Break Cliques", "Most Likely to Break the Status Quo", "Most Likely to Attend an Academy Just To Thumb Her Nose at All the Other Students who are Doing Nothing After Graduation"...hmmm...idk, lol.)
"What do you want from me,
This is love in the first degree,
Tell me why everytime
I feel your eyes all over me,
(what you want)" What Do You Want From Me by Cascada
And the sun will always shine down on you
Keep on dreaming
It's alright, feel alive
Dream on dreamer,
And the world keeps spinning round and round,
You go,
Don't stop dreaming,
It's alright, we're alive ("Dream On Dreamer" by Cascada)
Come on,
Try and understand
The way I feel
When I'm in your hands
Take my hand
Come under cover
They can't hurt you now (x3)
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us ("Because the Night" by Cascada but also by Bruce Springsteen and Patty something or other...)
So, today I'm supposed to be doing lots of math, English, world history and British literature. However, I'm not. I'm not really feeling very well so I'm trying not to do much. I don't think I'm sick. I think I'm just nervous because of my interview. Because I have to fix an error in front of the entire board. Tell them that my application for nomination is wrong. And I'm kinda nervous about that. I'd prefer to just write them a letter, lol. I guess I have to take a stand, take action. And if it is an Epic Fail then it's an Epic Fail.
I'm so glad I don't really have to think or worry about colleges or anything. God is taking care of it all. I mean, of course, I can't be stupid at my interviews but I know that if it is God's will, He will allow it to happen. He will open the doors that no man can shut and shut doors that no man can open. It's all up to Him. It's in His hands and therefore, I don't have to concern myself with it. I will allow Him to run it. It's God Almighty, not Karen Almighty (thank goodness!).
We had a TEK meeting yesterday. (TEK is like a social group for homeschooled teens in 10-12 grade.) It was supposed to be a gift exchange but there were so many people we couldn't do an exchange. *sigh* I love gift exchanges.
The Senior Appreciation Banquet is coming up soon (last weekend in April). That's where all the seniors "bequeath" something to another grade student. And, the seniors all get "superlatives" awarded to them. (For example: my older sister received an AFROTC scholarship and they offered to present the award at her graduation. However, our "school" said that they couldn't do that because it wasn't fair to the other students (whatever!). So, instead, they awarded her a superlative "Most Likely to March" - puhlease! That's so lame, imho. Whatever. I'm kind of curious as to what they'll award me, lol. "Most Likely to Break Cliques", "Most Likely to Break the Status Quo", "Most Likely to Attend an Academy Just To Thumb Her Nose at All the Other Students who are Doing Nothing After Graduation"...hmmm...idk, lol.)
"What do you want from me,
This is love in the first degree,
Tell me why everytime
I feel your eyes all over me,
(what you want)" What Do You Want From Me by Cascada
Thursday, December 18, 2008
7 D & C
Had an intra-squad swim meet today. Won first in 50m Butterfly. It was fun.
Calculus is awesome. I love it.
My parents bought me a bed yesterday!! I've been telling them that I need a new bed and my dad said they'd get me one for Christmas or just after and I was cool with that. Yesterday, I came home from work and they had bought me a new bed! They set it up, rearranged my furniture in my room, made the bed all pretty and got rid of my old one! I love it! I love them! *happy*
It's almost Christmas!!!
Calculus is awesome. I love it.
My parents bought me a bed yesterday!! I've been telling them that I need a new bed and my dad said they'd get me one for Christmas or just after and I was cool with that. Yesterday, I came home from work and they had bought me a new bed! They set it up, rearranged my furniture in my room, made the bed all pretty and got rid of my old one! I love it! I love them! *happy*
It's almost Christmas!!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
So now "Hannah" said she doesn't really care if she goes with "Adam" or not. Argh.
Never, ever, ever, ever ask a guy out for a friend. EVER.
(And plus, my dad keeps joking about how we should get a limo and everything. ARRRRGGHHHH!)
Never, ever, ever, ever ask a guy out for a friend. EVER.
(And plus, my dad keeps joking about how we should get a limo and everything. ARRRRGGHHHH!)

So yeah, those pix kinda describe me.
I have an 88% guarantee of alignment in my brain and I'm asking why. So many choices. So many decisions.
Especially as USAFA has accepted me now. Ahhh life-changing choices. Soooo complicated.
On another note, I have a funny story:
So this friend of mine, let's call her "Hannah", sort of likes this friend of ours (we'll call him "Adam"). The Cadet Ball (January 17) is coming up so I invited Hannah to go with me. I thought it'd be funny if we each took a date. (Of course, there's no way I'll find a date but I digress.) So I said she should ask Adam. Of course, she was really nervous and not wanting to. She said, "why don't you ask him?". Being me, I said, "Fine, I'll ask him." and went to find him.
However, first of all, I decided to ask his mom. (I have a couple guy friends who can't go to social dancing for family reasons and I didn't want to embarrass Adam or myself.) So I went and told his mom that he had to go to senior prom because it was senior prom and he had to go. She said that was fine. "While we are on the topic of dancing," I added, "there's this dance coming up ... [blah, blah, blah] ... and Adam should go." "Oh, that's fine. I don't mind. You're a nice girl and I have to like the girl Adam goes with so that's fine." she says. "Oh, Hannah'll be going to," I quickly amended, "So there'll be a bunch of us." "Hannah who? Oh...she's nice...but I like you so it's all good." My thoughts were: this is not going down very well...argh...
So then I asked Adam. "So, a bunch of us are going to this dance on January 17th. I'm going, and Hannah's going and -"
He interrupts: "I'm going!"
"Oh good," I replied and proceeded to give the details.
Then, I went to tell my parentals so that they'd know and my mother informs me that Adam's mother has come up to her saying that it's "soooo nice that Karen's taking Adam". *SIGH*
So Adam's mom thinks I'm taking him, Adam thinks it's a big group thing, Hannah's so excited that he's going, and I'm caught in the middle.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Never ask a guy out for a friend. Although it was fun to do and quite the experience, things will probably not work out the way they should and it will lead to extremely weird moments. (This moral reminded me of the part in Anne of the Island where Jane whatever-her-name-was asked Anne to marry Jane's brother because Jane's brother was too shy, lol.)
Comments, thoughts and ideas on how to remedy this mess are greatly appreciated. :D
Friday, December 12, 2008
Life. Thoughts. Decisions.
13 days away! Less than two weeks! Rock on! \m/
So, yeah.
If you want a Christmas card you have to give me your address. That goes for everyone. :D Just email it to me or FB PM it...
I really like Cascada's music. It's like europop which is pretty much the best music ever. O-Zone and Eiffel 65 are other lovely Europop bands that I love. Her best song is definitely "Everytime We Touch" but there are other great ones too. Another video of that song is here and is very, very funny!
I'm working again today. Sometimes I really don't want to go to work because I just want to spend more time with ma famile. But, I have to go so whatever.
I was kind of hoping my mom would get this job at this place so I could be hired as a tutor for my siblings and could stop my job. But she didn't get it. They called this morning to say they gave it to someone else. So I have to keep my other job and can't be a super awesome tutor person. Sigh. Whatever. I'll get over it eventually...
I really like to just relax and hang out with my family. I also love to go dancing and partying. It really depends on the day. Some days I really just want to get out and go do something. Other days, I'm more than happy to stay at home.
Especially as it gets closer to college decision date. I still haven't heard anything from the Air Force Academy so I'm kind of nervous about that. But, I'm convinced God will have me accepted where I should go. In fact, if I'm only accepted at Annapolis then I think I'll go there. :) Easy decision. Knowing God, however, I'll have hundreds of thousands of options and will almost die trying to decide. lol.
My big question/issue right now is what I would do. I really want to go into Intelligence work. I'm applying for a scholarship through the NSA. I think if I were to get that scholarship I'd be inclined to go for it. It's what I want to do and I'd have to do an engineering major. However, I'd be at a civilian university and wouldn't have the awesome militaryness. On the other hand, if I went to Annapolis, I would not be able to do Intelligence as it is a restricted career path and therefore I'd have to be color-blind or something. Of course, the Air Force needs Intelligence officers (according to my ROTC sister who has friends who keep getting Intel.). But I haven't heard from them. And I'm not sure if I really want to go that far. I definitely want to get back to the west coast but Colorado isn't exactly coast. And...I'm just not sure. Do I really want to be a six hour flight away? Do I really want to be in a different time zone? Do I really want to attend a military school? I'm having an indecisive day, in case you can't tell. I get these days where I really question what I want to do and go through this whole circuitous thought process where I get absolutely no where.

So, yeah.
If you want a Christmas card you have to give me your address. That goes for everyone. :D Just email it to me or FB PM it...
I really like Cascada's music. It's like europop which is pretty much the best music ever. O-Zone and Eiffel 65 are other lovely Europop bands that I love. Her best song is definitely "Everytime We Touch" but there are other great ones too. Another video of that song is here and is very, very funny!
I'm working again today. Sometimes I really don't want to go to work because I just want to spend more time with ma famile. But, I have to go so whatever.
I was kind of hoping my mom would get this job at this place so I could be hired as a tutor for my siblings and could stop my job. But she didn't get it. They called this morning to say they gave it to someone else. So I have to keep my other job and can't be a super awesome tutor person. Sigh. Whatever. I'll get over it eventually...
I really like to just relax and hang out with my family. I also love to go dancing and partying. It really depends on the day. Some days I really just want to get out and go do something. Other days, I'm more than happy to stay at home.
Especially as it gets closer to college decision date. I still haven't heard anything from the Air Force Academy so I'm kind of nervous about that. But, I'm convinced God will have me accepted where I should go. In fact, if I'm only accepted at Annapolis then I think I'll go there. :) Easy decision. Knowing God, however, I'll have hundreds of thousands of options and will almost die trying to decide. lol.
My big question/issue right now is what I would do. I really want to go into Intelligence work. I'm applying for a scholarship through the NSA. I think if I were to get that scholarship I'd be inclined to go for it. It's what I want to do and I'd have to do an engineering major. However, I'd be at a civilian university and wouldn't have the awesome militaryness. On the other hand, if I went to Annapolis, I would not be able to do Intelligence as it is a restricted career path and therefore I'd have to be color-blind or something. Of course, the Air Force needs Intelligence officers (according to my ROTC sister who has friends who keep getting Intel.). But I haven't heard from them. And I'm not sure if I really want to go that far. I definitely want to get back to the west coast but Colorado isn't exactly coast. And...I'm just not sure. Do I really want to be a six hour flight away? Do I really want to be in a different time zone? Do I really want to attend a military school? I'm having an indecisive day, in case you can't tell. I get these days where I really question what I want to do and go through this whole circuitous thought process where I get absolutely no where.

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
We've Got Each Other
and that's a lot!
Whooah, we're half way there
Whooah, livin on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Livin on a prayer
We've got to hold on ready or not
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got
Whooah, we're half way there
Whooah, livin on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Livin on a prayer
- Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer"
I just felt like writing that.
Whooah, we're half way there
Whooah, livin on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Livin on a prayer
We've got to hold on ready or not
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got
Whooah, we're half way there
Whooah, livin on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Livin on a prayer
- Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer"
I just felt like writing that.
Monday, December 8, 2008
I love my calculus course. The professor is sooo funny! He's always saying things like "this graph is nice - graphs are nice. This one's blue but they can be any color - purple, green, anyway..." Awesomeness.
August Burns Red has like the best version of Carol of the Bells ever! Get the X Christmas cd, lol.
Cadet Ball is coming up. One of my friends said she'd go with me. My brother's going. My younger sister is going. I think I'm going to set my friend up with a date for fun. :) And I'll just...go Whatever.
Class finals are tomorrow and Thursday. :D
August Burns Red has like the best version of Carol of the Bells ever! Get the X Christmas cd, lol.
Cadet Ball is coming up. One of my friends said she'd go with me. My brother's going. My younger sister is going. I think I'm going to set my friend up with a date for fun. :) And I'll just...go Whatever.
Class finals are tomorrow and Thursday. :D
Sunday, December 7, 2008
So, I took apart a monitor the other day. It was pretty awesome. I saw all the bits and pieces. Unfortunately, I couldn't take it all the way down to the bare components because part of it was like glued on and I would've had to break it. But it was still awesome.
I pretty much abandoned my MySpace account. I was using it but Facebook is better and, also, MySpace has all those gross stupid ads. And sometimes it doesn't work. Whatever.
I also pretty much abandoned my Xanga. That was a blog. But I like this better. I don't know why - I just do. Maybe because I like the screen-name thing. lol
I have CAP tonight. Maybe we'll actually do the change of command ceremony we should've done back in July... Yeah, whatever. I don't really care because as far as I know, I'm cadet commander now so who cares if we do the big show about it. My mom cares. That's who cares.
Our pastor is doing this cool sermon series thing for December where he uses Christmas carols to base his sermons on. This week it was "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas". Basically, the point was that a white Christmas represents perfection and culmination and all of us want that. However, the Grinch stole White Christmas! (The Grinch being Satan.) But God wants us to have a white Christmas again and so we need to return to Him and depend on Him in this Christmas season. There were a bunch of other points but I can't remember them. Don't have a Grinch Heart - be happy.
So, toodles for now.
I pretty much abandoned my MySpace account. I was using it but Facebook is better and, also, MySpace has all those gross stupid ads. And sometimes it doesn't work. Whatever.
I also pretty much abandoned my Xanga. That was a blog. But I like this better. I don't know why - I just do. Maybe because I like the screen-name thing. lol
I have CAP tonight. Maybe we'll actually do the change of command ceremony we should've done back in July... Yeah, whatever. I don't really care because as far as I know, I'm cadet commander now so who cares if we do the big show about it. My mom cares. That's who cares.
Our pastor is doing this cool sermon series thing for December where he uses Christmas carols to base his sermons on. This week it was "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas". Basically, the point was that a white Christmas represents perfection and culmination and all of us want that. However, the Grinch stole White Christmas! (The Grinch being Satan.) But God wants us to have a white Christmas again and so we need to return to Him and depend on Him in this Christmas season. There were a bunch of other points but I can't remember them. Don't have a Grinch Heart - be happy.
So, toodles for now.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I'm Here
So, I haven't abandoned this blog. Although sometimes I really wonder about
I got a bonus at work the other day for helping them meet a sales goal. Cool, cool. Bonuses are nice. :D
Christmas is almost here! Oh my buddha - there's like 22 days left!!! YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAY! I'm soooo excitedly psyched. [EDIT: I can't believe I can't spell psyched right]
I had an interview with my representative for a nomination. Idk how it went...I hope it went well. It was really weird. Like, they asked me what I thought Intelligence officers did, I told them and they said "close...very narrow, but close". I was like, "wait - there was a right answer to my thoughts??"
Dinner time - got to go!
I got a bonus at work the other day for helping them meet a sales goal. Cool, cool. Bonuses are nice. :D
Christmas is almost here! Oh my buddha - there's like 22 days left!!! YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAY! I'm soooo excitedly psyched. [EDIT: I can't believe I can't spell psyched right]
I had an interview with my representative for a nomination. Idk how it went...I hope it went well. It was really weird. Like, they asked me what I thought Intelligence officers did, I told them and they said "close...very narrow, but close". I was like, "wait - there was a right answer to my thoughts??"
Dinner time - got to go!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I certainly hope you all had a fabulous holiday. I personally enjoyed it. I went shopping with my mother at the one store that was open, came home, had dinner and played family games before bed. Lovely, lovely day.
I'm so thankful for so much - mainly being alive and for having such a great family. There are other things too, such as having wonderful friends (like you!), living in America, having a house, running water, etc. It's just amazing.
But Thanksgiving was yesterday and now it is back to the rat race. Back to work, class, sleep, eat and church. Back to the dreary humdrum of the corporate world. *sigh*
I cannot wait until Christmas. Cannot. Absolutely cannot! Only, what? - 28 days left? I am sooooo excited! Christmas gifts to buy and everything! Yay!
I'm trying to accumulate my list of addresses to send Christmas cards too - email/call/whatever your address and I'll send you one too. :)
I'm so thankful for so much - mainly being alive and for having such a great family. There are other things too, such as having wonderful friends (like you!), living in America, having a house, running water, etc. It's just amazing.
But Thanksgiving was yesterday and now it is back to the rat race. Back to work, class, sleep, eat and church. Back to the dreary humdrum of the corporate world. *sigh*
I cannot wait until Christmas. Cannot. Absolutely cannot! Only, what? - 28 days left? I am sooooo excited! Christmas gifts to buy and everything! Yay!
I'm trying to accumulate my list of addresses to send Christmas cards too - email/call/whatever your address and I'll send you one too. :)
Monday, November 24, 2008
"Take Me In"
Watch that video. I so declare you should. It's just the music but it's a fantastic song.
Sometimes I really feel like I just need to stop thinking. Like, life would be easier if I stopped trying to find logical explanations for things. For example, I decide I would like a boyfriend. Then, without any premeditiation, my brain will kick into logic mode: you have no time, you would "use" him, you would dump him over summer so you could be free at the Academy, etc. Frustrating but useful.
Life would probably be easier if I stopped thinking but it wouldn't be as good. I'd probably make stupid mistakes and would probably do things I'd regret. I guess thinking too much can be good...
I'd kind of like to get a date for the Cadet Ball this year, because it is my last year. And maybe for prom. But that's it. Like, not a boyfriend date. Just a have fun/hang out/someone to dance with date. If that makes sense... (Any takers? lol)
I have no time for a romantic endeavour. And that's a fact.
Watch that video. I so declare you should. It's just the music but it's a fantastic song.
Sometimes I really feel like I just need to stop thinking. Like, life would be easier if I stopped trying to find logical explanations for things. For example, I decide I would like a boyfriend. Then, without any premeditiation, my brain will kick into logic mode: you have no time, you would "use" him, you would dump him over summer so you could be free at the Academy, etc. Frustrating but useful.
Life would probably be easier if I stopped thinking but it wouldn't be as good. I'd probably make stupid mistakes and would probably do things I'd regret. I guess thinking too much can be good...
I'd kind of like to get a date for the Cadet Ball this year, because it is my last year. And maybe for prom. But that's it. Like, not a boyfriend date. Just a have fun/hang out/someone to dance with date. If that makes sense... (Any takers? lol)
I have no time for a romantic endeavour. And that's a fact.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Why ask Why?
Why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive?
Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?
Why are cigarettes sold in gas stations when smoking is prohibited there?
Do you need a silencer if you are going to shoot a mime?
Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?
How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings?
If 7-11 is open 24-hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?
If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose?
If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan?
If you tied buttered toast to the back of a cat and dropped it from a height, what would happen?
If you're in a vehicle going the speed of light, what happens when you turn on the headlights?
You know how most packages say "Open here". What is the protocol if the package says, "Open somewhere else"?
Why do they put braille dots on the keypad of the drive-up ATM.?
Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called cargo?
You know that little indestructible black box that is used on planes, why can't they make the whole plane out of the same substance?
Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?
Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?
Why are cigarettes sold in gas stations when smoking is prohibited there?
Do you need a silencer if you are going to shoot a mime?
Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?
How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings?
If 7-11 is open 24-hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?
If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose?
If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan?
If you tied buttered toast to the back of a cat and dropped it from a height, what would happen?
If you're in a vehicle going the speed of light, what happens when you turn on the headlights?
You know how most packages say "Open here". What is the protocol if the package says, "Open somewhere else"?
Why do they put braille dots on the keypad of the drive-up ATM.?
Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called cargo?
You know that little indestructible black box that is used on planes, why can't they make the whole plane out of the same substance?
Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
So I got this letter in the mail yesterday from the US Naval Academy. It said that I have a guaranteed offer of appointment! It is contingent upon getting a nomination and turning in my CFA (will be done tomorrow :D ) but that's it. I'm so shocked. Like, already a college offer! Gaspness! :D *happy dance*
I'm practicing pullups and all for the CFA which is tomorrow. I'm kinda nervous but I think I'll do well.
So yeah, it's pretty awesome. Swim team today went well. We had to do 64 pushups which is a workout (because you do them immediately after swimming laps) but it was good. I can feel my muscles working, lol.
I like my haircut because it is cute. I don't like it because it gets knotted. Not that big of a deal though.
I think I'll go see "Twilight" when it comes out. I'm definitely going to go see "Quantum of Solace". Anyone want to go?
I'm practicing pullups and all for the CFA which is tomorrow. I'm kinda nervous but I think I'll do well.
So yeah, it's pretty awesome. Swim team today went well. We had to do 64 pushups which is a workout (because you do them immediately after swimming laps) but it was good. I can feel my muscles working, lol.
I like my haircut because it is cute. I don't like it because it gets knotted. Not that big of a deal though.
I think I'll go see "Twilight" when it comes out. I'm definitely going to go see "Quantum of Solace". Anyone want to go?
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
I am sorry for the ridiculous rant of my last post. I really should connect my brain, mouth and fingers at
So this one cute guy in my class said something really weird the other day and I'm trying to interpret it but I don't think I should. I really think that guys are more complicated than girls. They just are. So the guy's talking about where he went to school (which is where my brother goes now) and I mention that my brother goes there. He's like "who's your brother?" so I say "Adrian - but you wouldn't know him: he's a freshman this year".
"Oh yeah, I wouldn't know him... But that'd be weird," says he, "I'd be like 'I know your sister.' "
"Yeah," say I, "and he'd be like, 'who are you?'"
"Ah well, he'll know soon enough," says he and quickly changes the subject.
He'll know soon enough? What kind of statement is that? Like, what does that mean??? Girls do not have such cryptic comments. I've been trying to come up with meanings of what that means but have yet to come up with a reasonable one.
This kid is the same one who insists on calling me things like "Fearless Leader" and "Special". And he's always rolling his chair into mine, using my computer, etc, etc. It's pretty funny.
Anyway, other than that, life goes on. I'm doing really well in my classes. I have a 98 in one and an 80-something in the other. Wohoooie.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Life Goes On
So my life goes on. I am really, really enjoying my classes. The guys are really friendly. However, they are guys and guys will be guys as was discovered today in my class. We were discussing hardness testing and our professor asked the definition of hardness and I was like "the amount the object withstands penetration" (which is the definition, :D). And the guys all snickered. Then, the professor's like "so, what does it mean if during penetration the penetrator hits a 'wall'?" and the guys kinda fell apart... (like, "'s an 'unused' material?", lol)
So then in my next class, the guys were all lovely and nice. Some of the guys are major cute but they all have these really dirty mouths so...idk.
I recently found out that one of my friends may be on pot and it's really bugging me. I like want to tell him to stop and all but he's like "it's not addictive" and "i've been doing it for two years..." So I'm really annoyed. I don't know what to do. I guess I can't really do anything except pray for him...but yeah.
Thankfully, I finished my applications for nomination to my senators/representative. And I've submitted all my college essays (except for my ROTC app) so it's just waiting. Except I still have to submit a resume for ROTC, an essay for ROTC, a PFT for ROTC, a CFA for USAFA and a CFA for USNA. But not much really. Oh, and pay two application fees of $70 each. (Sigh.)
I've begun to "want" a bf again. Like, I go through these cycles. I think I generally want one when I'm starting to get stressed out and just want to disappear. So I want a bf who will take me out and pay attention to me, lol. Sounds kinda self-centered but yeah...
I've just realized I'm kinda ranting right now but I just need somewhere to dump my thoughts. Like, I think the thing that bugs me the most, even though I try not to let it bug me, is that my 'rents get my name wrong. I mean, I get it - there's five of us; it's hard - but it still bugs me. I think years of being called "Alis-Karen" are finally starting to wear me thin. I almost can't wait to go somewhere where I'll actually be called my name (even if it is just my last name, lol). [The worst part isn't that they get my name wrong, but that when they're apologizing for it, they get it wrong again, lol! It's like "Alis-Kar - oh, I'm sooo sorry, Alis-Karen - I mean, Karen..." SIGH.
End Rant.
Friday, October 24, 2008
So, I've decided that I spend an exorbitant amount of my time thinking about guys. And it's sad. I really should do other stuff. And I don't. *sigh*
Opened a checking account today. Because.
Talked to KOMS again. Even though he isn't KOMS anymore, lol. We've been talking a lot lately. I'm trying to convince him to come down for the Cadet Ball. So far, I've gotten a "maybe but where would I stay, how would I get there...". I'm like "take a greyhound bus or the amtrak and you can stay at my house. In a completely seperate part of the house, of course. :)" Ah's up to him. Funny guy.
See? I can't even post a blog entry without relating it back to guys! That's how pathetic it is...sigh. Whatever.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
So I haven't posted in a while but I have a ton to say:
1) My classes are going well. I think I'm doing the best in my Intro class and I'm not sure about my Graphics class but will find out tomorrow.
2) There is this kid in my Intro and Graphics class. And he was always kind of cute but had long hair and was therefore not cute. Because I don't like long hair on guys. Well, yesterday, he came into class and he had cut his hair! And it looked really nice. And he's like way more cute now.
Anyway, we joke around a lot (flirt - as my sister would say) and he's really nice. I just have to remind myself that in about 2 more months, he will forget he ever knew me as the sememster ends, lol. But he is cute. And nice. And smart. And taller than me. *sigh*
3) My parents came home from Colorado yesterday and said that they had fun. My mother liked the Air Force Academy, which is definitely a good thing!
4) My applications for nomination to my senators have been turned in.
5) I need to take my CFA for USAFA and USNA. Other than that, I'm done. :)
6) I'm going through one of those times when I really really wish I had a boyfriend. Like really wish. Groan.
That's it for now!
Friday, September 19, 2008
So, today my family went to tour the United States Naval Academy. This dude my dad works with graduated from there in '79 and offered to show us around. It was super cool.
I'm really confused now. Everyone I talk to says they have these "I'm home!" moments when they arrived at the college they eventually went to. My older sister did with UD. My younger brother who is a freshman in high school had one such moment today at Annapolis and has since decided that if he isn't drafted out of high school for baseball, he'll go there! And then, there's me. Never having felt such a lovely emotion. (lol) I'm kinda worried that I'll never find the perfect college for me. I've visited like 5 colleges now and never felt that way. I wonder if it is because I tend to be an analytical person. My mom and dad say it's probably because I tend to try to logically think of things, not let my emotions decide. Like, I know I'm only there for four years so a deep emotional attachment to the place is unnecessary. Whatever.
I've passed all my tests and am officially a C/Maj come October, which has me quite excited. Speaking of CAP, our wing is hosting another Cadet Ball this year (it'll be in January) and we're inviting other wings (like usual). Last year, we invited Maryland. This year we'll also invite New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and NatCap (that is, as long as we get approval). :)
I'm looking to buy myself a typewriter and just need to find one. I've always wanted one.
Work tomorrow - toodles!
I'm really confused now. Everyone I talk to says they have these "I'm home!" moments when they arrived at the college they eventually went to. My older sister did with UD. My younger brother who is a freshman in high school had one such moment today at Annapolis and has since decided that if he isn't drafted out of high school for baseball, he'll go there! And then, there's me. Never having felt such a lovely emotion. (lol) I'm kinda worried that I'll never find the perfect college for me. I've visited like 5 colleges now and never felt that way. I wonder if it is because I tend to be an analytical person. My mom and dad say it's probably because I tend to try to logically think of things, not let my emotions decide. Like, I know I'm only there for four years so a deep emotional attachment to the place is unnecessary. Whatever.
I've passed all my tests and am officially a C/Maj come October, which has me quite excited. Speaking of CAP, our wing is hosting another Cadet Ball this year (it'll be in January) and we're inviting other wings (like usual). Last year, we invited Maryland. This year we'll also invite New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and NatCap (that is, as long as we get approval). :)
I'm looking to buy myself a typewriter and just need to find one. I've always wanted one.
Work tomorrow - toodles!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Boys, Life, Etc.
So, I haven't updated in a while because I haven't had anything to say. Now I do.
I talked to the A-Man the other day. He was all like "sorry I haven't talked to you lately". Anyway, he's homeschooled now! Like, how incredibly awesome is that? Of course, I'm going to be a lot more careful. I think we kinda rushed into our "non-relationship", lol. Although, I definitely do want to see him again.
As for other guys, I definitely want to see the Jew-Jitsu Sensei again as well. And the Slackerhorn. And, of course, the KOMS. But definitely the Jew-Jitsu Sensei. :)
And, of course, in my lovely engineering classes, I'm one of one girl and one of three. There's this guy that I think likes me in both of my classes. He'll wait for me to finish so we can walk out to our cars together. He'll help me with my drawings, etc. I don't know. Maybe I just want him to like me, lol.
In my other class, this guy sits next to me but didn't previously. On like the third day of class, he moved to sit next to me and has sat there since. We joke around a lot too. He rebuilds old cars - like Model T's! How cool is that? Very cool. lol
And, then of course, there's the random guy at church. But they're all like shorter than me.
My brother is going to a public school now. He really likes it too. And, benefit: he asked me to homecoming with him! lol. Not as a date but because I *really* wanted to go so he finally said he'd take me but I have to go as a "date" or else I can't get in 'cause it's a school thing. lol. But yeah, I'm going to go to a real homecoming! I'm uber excited. I'll have to find a dress... Exciting!
Class is going well. I'm doing well and am ahead in my homework as my professor gave us a chart at the beginning of the year that says: 'here are all your assignments and when they are due. turn them in.' I like my professors too!
Work is going well. There's a sale going on at the store so I'll get more chances to be cool. :)
Speaking of work, I have to leave for work now.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Happy September!
Happy September everyone! Hope y'all enjoy it muchos. I'm enjoying it so far.
Yesterday I went to Old New Castle with ma famile. It's quite nice there. I really like it. It's a quiet little town with a lovely park and the Delaware River just there. We all got on swings and passed a water bottle back and forth (all being my four younger siblings, my mother and I). We took up all but one swing. Then, when my dad showed up (to pick us up), we all linked arms and started skipping around singing "skip, skip, skip to my lou". On the line "lost my partner, what'll I do?", we all disconnected and skipped around alone. It was so fun. I loved it!
I kinda got a bit of a wake-up call about my attitude/persona today when my older sister told me that sometimes I act like a "perfect Christian girl breaking out". I guess in some ways she's right. Like, I started listening to Billy Joel (which really isn't moral at all) and dressing a bit more...idk, "fashionably". So, I've recently gone and removed almost all of the Billy Joel off my iPod (except songs like "Piano Man" and "Uptown Girl" which are ok) and I'm going to go through my clothes and toss out all the ones that I don't really fit, are too tight, etc.. I'll just have to watch myself. I guess Satan can be incredibly subtle. Like, one of my fav. Billy Joel songs was "Only the Good Die Young" which has a ton of "bad" lines like "I'd rather laugh with the sinners, than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun". Which isn't very good at all. 0:-)
Classes are going well. There's this guy who always waits for me and walks out to the parking lot with me and talks to me about classes and everything. He's not someone I'd date, per se, but it's nice to have a "friend"/"class buddy", lol.
I may be having my last day of work at the caterers on Friday! Yay! I'll have to talk to them.
Yesterday I went to Old New Castle with ma famile. It's quite nice there. I really like it. It's a quiet little town with a lovely park and the Delaware River just there. We all got on swings and passed a water bottle back and forth (all being my four younger siblings, my mother and I). We took up all but one swing. Then, when my dad showed up (to pick us up), we all linked arms and started skipping around singing "skip, skip, skip to my lou". On the line "lost my partner, what'll I do?", we all disconnected and skipped around alone. It was so fun. I loved it!
I kinda got a bit of a wake-up call about my attitude/persona today when my older sister told me that sometimes I act like a "perfect Christian girl breaking out". I guess in some ways she's right. Like, I started listening to Billy Joel (which really isn't moral at all) and dressing a bit more...idk, "fashionably". So, I've recently gone and removed almost all of the Billy Joel off my iPod (except songs like "Piano Man" and "Uptown Girl" which are ok) and I'm going to go through my clothes and toss out all the ones that I don't really fit, are too tight, etc.. I'll just have to watch myself. I guess Satan can be incredibly subtle. Like, one of my fav. Billy Joel songs was "Only the Good Die Young" which has a ton of "bad" lines like "I'd rather laugh with the sinners, than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun". Which isn't very good at all. 0:-)
Classes are going well. There's this guy who always waits for me and walks out to the parking lot with me and talks to me about classes and everything. He's not someone I'd date, per se, but it's nice to have a "friend"/"class buddy", lol.
I may be having my last day of work at the caterers on Friday! Yay! I'll have to talk to them.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
More Stuff About Life
Yay! ProjectPlaylist is working again! Everyone should check out my updated music thing (on Facebook, on the left, under "Friends"). Very awesome.
I'm preparing for my meeting with Mrs. Tillman on the 8th and preparing all my information for colleges. I have the final list of colleges I'm applying to (in order of where I want to go first):
1) United States Naval Academy
2) *tie* United States Air Force Academy
2) *tie* University of Delaware
3) Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
4) Rensselaer Institute of Technology
I was going to apply to UW but recently found out that they require you to have test scores sent directly from the testing agency, as in - scores on your transcript aren't good enough. And because I've already chosen 4 places for my scores to go, it'd cost me like $10 to send my scores in. Plus, there's the $70 application fee. So, it'd cost me way loads of money to apply. So, nope. Not happening. Sorry, all you lovely WA peeps that I'd love to go to college with, I can't go, lol. Come to Annapolis with me! lol
I was also considering applying to Iowa State but, sadly, I've decided against it. (Sorry Sarah!) It's really silly but I'm not to fond of the school colors (which is also why Rose-Hulman and Rensselaer are not that high on the list, lol). And...idk, what's there to do in Iowa? So, Speaking of colleges, the UD essay requirement is really bugging me. It's all like "what are you doing to make the environment greener?". I'm like, "uh....not littering?" Very frustrating. Of course, there's the question about how your heritage shapes you. So, I think I'll have to answer that one. :) I'm really enjoying life right now. I have a couple things that I have to deal with, but I just remind myself that it's all in God's hands and that helps. Knowing that I don't have to stress over it really helps. I'm practicing running for my 1.5-mile run for ROTC and my 1-mile run for USAFA/USNA. So far, I've gotten my mile run down to 9:14 minutes which isn't *that* fast but isn't *that* bad either. I've just got to get it down to about 7:30 or, at the slowest, 8:15. Then I'll be pretty competitive. Of course, working on situps and pushups, as well as pullups and shuttle runs are important too. It's all taking a while. I think I should be good on situps and pushups but the pullups and mile/mile-and-a-half run are kinda bugging me. I'm working on it. I've got a new job now and I *love* it. I'm working at Carl Doubét, Jr. Jewelers in Greenville. It's a really great job as I'm learning sales (and in jewelry too!) as well as working on the computers, and jewelry display. It's a really cool job and good pay too! Much better than catering as well, because there's much more person-to-person interaction, and I'm allowed to talk to the people. So, that's the exciting things. I'll post again later - probably next week or something. My brother's birthday is coming up and I haven't gotten his gift yet, which is really annoying me. But I think I know what I want to get him so I just need to go get it, y'know? It's at a local store too, so it's just driving down there to get it. Speaking of driving, I really love driving my dad's car. It's super awesome and comfy. And smooth. And...rockin'. :) I love it! Although, I'd probably buy an Audi over a Kia, it's super nice. So, I might get it as a first time car or something.
I'm preparing for my meeting with Mrs. Tillman on the 8th and preparing all my information for colleges. I have the final list of colleges I'm applying to (in order of where I want to go first):
1) United States Naval Academy
2) *tie* United States Air Force Academy
2) *tie* University of Delaware
3) Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
4) Rensselaer Institute of Technology
I was going to apply to UW but recently found out that they require you to have test scores sent directly from the testing agency, as in - scores on your transcript aren't good enough. And because I've already chosen 4 places for my scores to go, it'd cost me like $10 to send my scores in. Plus, there's the $70 application fee. So, it'd cost me way loads of money to apply. So, nope. Not happening. Sorry, all you lovely WA peeps that I'd love to go to college with, I can't go, lol. Come to Annapolis with me! lol
I was also considering applying to Iowa State but, sadly, I've decided against it. (Sorry Sarah!) It's really silly but I'm not to fond of the school colors (which is also why Rose-Hulman and Rensselaer are not that high on the list, lol). And...idk, what's there to do in Iowa? So, Speaking of colleges, the UD essay requirement is really bugging me. It's all like "what are you doing to make the environment greener?". I'm like, "uh....not littering?" Very frustrating. Of course, there's the question about how your heritage shapes you. So, I think I'll have to answer that one. :) I'm really enjoying life right now. I have a couple things that I have to deal with, but I just remind myself that it's all in God's hands and that helps. Knowing that I don't have to stress over it really helps. I'm practicing running for my 1.5-mile run for ROTC and my 1-mile run for USAFA/USNA. So far, I've gotten my mile run down to 9:14 minutes which isn't *that* fast but isn't *that* bad either. I've just got to get it down to about 7:30 or, at the slowest, 8:15. Then I'll be pretty competitive. Of course, working on situps and pushups, as well as pullups and shuttle runs are important too. It's all taking a while. I think I should be good on situps and pushups but the pullups and mile/mile-and-a-half run are kinda bugging me. I'm working on it. I've got a new job now and I *love* it. I'm working at Carl Doubét, Jr. Jewelers in Greenville. It's a really great job as I'm learning sales (and in jewelry too!) as well as working on the computers, and jewelry display. It's a really cool job and good pay too! Much better than catering as well, because there's much more person-to-person interaction, and I'm allowed to talk to the people. So, that's the exciting things. I'll post again later - probably next week or something. My brother's birthday is coming up and I haven't gotten his gift yet, which is really annoying me. But I think I know what I want to get him so I just need to go get it, y'know? It's at a local store too, so it's just driving down there to get it. Speaking of driving, I really love driving my dad's car. It's super awesome and comfy. And smooth. And...rockin'. :) I love it! Although, I'd probably buy an Audi over a Kia, it's super nice. So, I might get it as a first time car or something.
So, my applications to colleges are going along well. I'm meeting with my counselor on the 8th to get transcripts (for colleges) and go over which schools need counselor recommendations. It'll be awesome!
My classes at Del-Tech are going well. I'm really enjoying them and my professors are nice too. The other students in my class are pretty awesome too. I'm glad I'm taking the classes, too, as it's giving me an idea as to whether or not I'd like MechE.
Toodles for now!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
So today I started my new job. Yay! I love it already. I'm working at Carl Doubet Jr Jewelers and it's very cool. They said they'd teach me sales as soon as they can. And I'm also doing a bunch of IT stuff. I like it. :)
Classes again tomorrow. And a pool party (I think).
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
So I started Del-Tech today. And I really enjoyed it. It went very well.
My professor in my first class is pretty cool. He worked for both Boeing and Sikorsky at different times. He's very clear with his words but he asks questions a lot like "Education equals...what?" And we all go "Uh....knowledge?" and he goes "Education equals knowledge. Yeah, I like that. Okay..." It's almost like he doesn't know, lol.
My second professor is absolutely hilarious though. He kept saying things like "Big force hit little force and, unless little force is going very fast, little force go 'boom!'" He's very cool.
And, of course, I'm in the lovely minority as a female. One of one females in my first class and one of three in my second class. And two guys from my first class are in my second too so we kind of hang together. I've already got the classes pretty much figured out at this point. The class I thought would be hard will be easier than the class I thought would be easy. However, I do have a couple advantages.
1) I'm female and therefore, I'm inherently smarter than guys. lol (jk)
2) For Intro to MechE, we are doing Tensile Tests which I've done before at the USAFA Summer Seminar (smiles).
3) Both of my parents are engineers.
4) My mother is incredibly skilled at making engineering drawings.
Speaking of engineering drawings, my final project (worth 50% of my grade) in Engineering Graphics is to draw a 3-cylinder, compressed air steam engine. *gahh* It'll be hard...but easy. In that weirdly complicated way. Mother? Help! lol
The guy front is at a rather stagnant stand still. Although I would love to go on a date, regardless of who with, I'm afraid that'll have to wait until I get out of high school. I will not have a high school sweetheart...*sniff* Life continues, however, and I shall not die.
"I will survive! I will survive!" lol
My professor in my first class is pretty cool. He worked for both Boeing and Sikorsky at different times. He's very clear with his words but he asks questions a lot like "Education equals...what?" And we all go "Uh....knowledge?" and he goes "Education equals knowledge. Yeah, I like that. Okay..." It's almost like he doesn't know, lol.
My second professor is absolutely hilarious though. He kept saying things like "Big force hit little force and, unless little force is going very fast, little force go 'boom!'" He's very cool.
And, of course, I'm in the lovely minority as a female. One of one females in my first class and one of three in my second class. And two guys from my first class are in my second too so we kind of hang together. I've already got the classes pretty much figured out at this point. The class I thought would be hard will be easier than the class I thought would be easy. However, I do have a couple advantages.
1) I'm female and therefore, I'm inherently smarter than guys. lol (jk)
2) For Intro to MechE, we are doing Tensile Tests which I've done before at the USAFA Summer Seminar (smiles).
3) Both of my parents are engineers.
4) My mother is incredibly skilled at making engineering drawings.
Speaking of engineering drawings, my final project (worth 50% of my grade) in Engineering Graphics is to draw a 3-cylinder, compressed air steam engine. *gahh* It'll be hard...but easy. In that weirdly complicated way. Mother? Help! lol
The guy front is at a rather stagnant stand still. Although I would love to go on a date, regardless of who with, I'm afraid that'll have to wait until I get out of high school. I will not have a high school sweetheart...*sniff* Life continues, however, and I shall not die.
"I will survive! I will survive!" lol
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Classes and life
Yay! I'm registered for my classes at Del-Tech now and I start on Tuesday. My classes are:
Tuesdays: 0830-1020 - Intro to Mechanical Engineering
1030-1230 - Engineering Graphics/CAD
Thursdays: 0830-1020 - Intro to Mechanical Engineering
1030-1230 - Engineering Graphics/CAD
Fridays: 1030-1230 - Engineering Graphics/CAD
I'm uber excited and can't wait to start! Strangely, no books are required for either class but I guess that's
I had two interviews today. One was at a Navy recruiting station. These enlisted dudes were trying to get me to enlist, lol. I was like "Um...can I finish high school first?" lol. It was pretty funny. I mean, nothing against enlisting but I personally think that if you can join up as an officer through ROTC, why not? Like, go to college, get a degree, etc... Whatever, my opinion. But the lovely talk they gave me was kind of funny. :)
The second was at Carl Doubet Jr. Jewelers. From what I understand, they need someone to help out in general (a "girl Friday", lol). They did say, however, that they could teach me sales if I wanted. :) That'd be soooo cool! Like, to be able to say on my job resumes that I worked as a jewelry sales person? That'd be uber uber cool. Like mucho cool. Like, very, very cool. Plus, it sounds like a lot of fun. So I hope I get a job there.
I'm reading a really funny book too. It's called Viva la Repartee and is all about witty comebacks and retorts throughout history. I love it!
And I'm going horseback riding tomorrow too! YAY! I love horseback riding!
Got to go now!
Tuesdays: 0830-1020 - Intro to Mechanical Engineering
1030-1230 - Engineering Graphics/CAD
Thursdays: 0830-1020 - Intro to Mechanical Engineering
1030-1230 - Engineering Graphics/CAD
Fridays: 1030-1230 - Engineering Graphics/CAD
I'm uber excited and can't wait to start! Strangely, no books are required for either class but I guess that's
I had two interviews today. One was at a Navy recruiting station. These enlisted dudes were trying to get me to enlist, lol. I was like "Um...can I finish high school first?" lol. It was pretty funny. I mean, nothing against enlisting but I personally think that if you can join up as an officer through ROTC, why not? Like, go to college, get a degree, etc... Whatever, my opinion. But the lovely talk they gave me was kind of funny. :)
The second was at Carl Doubet Jr. Jewelers. From what I understand, they need someone to help out in general (a "girl Friday", lol). They did say, however, that they could teach me sales if I wanted. :) That'd be soooo cool! Like, to be able to say on my job resumes that I worked as a jewelry sales person? That'd be uber uber cool. Like mucho cool. Like, very, very cool. Plus, it sounds like a lot of fun. So I hope I get a job there.
I'm reading a really funny book too. It's called Viva la Repartee and is all about witty comebacks and retorts throughout history. I love it!
And I'm going horseback riding tomorrow too! YAY! I love horseback riding!
Got to go now!
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Official Guy Post
Okay: so there are guys. And I like them. As friends. And my family finds it hilarious that I converse with them on a daily basis. In fact, they go so far as to say the guys like me. It's pretty funny. Because they think the guys like me as gf/bf. (which some of them Whereas I think they just like me. It's quite the comical situation in my house. Makes me laugh.
That's it.
(Funny thing is, one of the guys texts me almost every day. And sometimes calls. And we email a lot. And I'm sure it seems like we're in "love". But he's got a steady girlfriend with promise rings and everything. lol. Doesn't stop my family from thinking he loves I know better. :) lol)
That's it.
(Funny thing is, one of the guys texts me almost every day. And sometimes calls. And we email a lot. And I'm sure it seems like we're in "love". But he's got a steady girlfriend with promise rings and everything. lol. Doesn't stop my family from thinking he loves I know better. :) lol)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
WEeeelll, I've moved on in life. I'm working hard on not being a "silly little girl" and more like a mature, almost college kid... Which is kind of hard to believe. I mean, I still can't get over the fact that I'm a *senior* this year! That means just one year left in high school. Then I'm disappearing to college!!! I have no clue what that'll be like. I'm kind of nervous about my last year of high school but I'm also looking forward to it. I kind of wish it were like April now because then I'd have all my college acceptance letters and I'd only have to worry about choosing a college, lol. I just hope that I can manage to get all my applications in on time!
I've also come to the conclusion that guys are silly. In fact, they're kind of insane. I mean, more insane than I am - which is saying something. I've decided that after close study of the male species from the members in my church. And in fact, they are silly. Then again, that might just be my church but I'm more inclined to believe it is all guys.
I've also concluded that girls can be quite fickle. Like, we like one guy and two seconds later, we're head over heels for another guy. It's too confusing. Maybe I should just join a nunnery. Then I wouldn't have to think about this.
Speaking of nunneries, I'm going to be trying out for a local drama production of "The Sound of Music". I think it'd be so cool to be Liesel - or Maria. But Liesel would definitely be fun. Either/or... :)
I've got CAP tonight. So I'm getting ready for that. I also have the MER CAC Teleconference. It's always on Sunday nights and like 30 minutes after my squadron meeting. Which gives me time to get home, get a drink of water, grab my CAC stuff, run to my room, and call in. Not a lot of time. lol
A couple friends and I are hoping to go horseback riding this Thursday. If it all works out, I'll get to ride the same horse I rode last time: an ex-racehorse named Aggot. He's gorgeous. :-P
Ta ta, dahlings.
I've also come to the conclusion that guys are silly. In fact, they're kind of insane. I mean, more insane than I am - which is saying something. I've decided that after close study of the male species from the members in my church. And in fact, they are silly. Then again, that might just be my church but I'm more inclined to believe it is all guys.
I've also concluded that girls can be quite fickle. Like, we like one guy and two seconds later, we're head over heels for another guy. It's too confusing. Maybe I should just join a nunnery. Then I wouldn't have to think about this.
Speaking of nunneries, I'm going to be trying out for a local drama production of "The Sound of Music". I think it'd be so cool to be Liesel - or Maria. But Liesel would definitely be fun. Either/or... :)
I've got CAP tonight. So I'm getting ready for that. I also have the MER CAC Teleconference. It's always on Sunday nights and like 30 minutes after my squadron meeting. Which gives me time to get home, get a drink of water, grab my CAC stuff, run to my room, and call in. Not a lot of time. lol
A couple friends and I are hoping to go horseback riding this Thursday. If it all works out, I'll get to ride the same horse I rode last time: an ex-racehorse named Aggot. He's gorgeous. :-P
Ta ta, dahlings.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
So, as it is about 5pm now, I think there are a couple things I can
First, my interview with my ALO went really. It was very similar to my interview when I went to Summer Seminar and, of course, quite fun. I enjoyed having to think of answers to questions - like a job interview but weirder questions: "when was the last time you had to deal with a real jerk?" - uh? No clue?
I went out and bought a bunch of baking chocolate, cocoa and such to make cookies. I love making cookies. 'Tis my passion. :D
The A-Man never showed up. Kinda sad, but honestly, I didn't really think he would show up. Like, as weird as that sounds, I kinda doubted it. I mean, he emailed me/chatted with me a lot until I said that he'd have to meet my parents/come to my house. Then he kinda dropped off the face of the earth. Rarely on AIM, not replying to emails, lol. Although, I would've much preferred him to email me and say "uh...never mind then". But, that must be a guy thing or So, yeah.
Weirdly, I also kind of decided that it's kind of a good thing he didn't show up because the more I thought about it, the more I realized that a relationship with him would be way complicated. Plus, as this is my last year of high school, I should really focus on my grades and a boyfriend would probably just cause too much stress. Plus, I work most weekends so...yeah. Anyway, those are my thoughts.
So, thanks a lot, A-Man, for not showing up. In both meanings of "thanks a lot". The annoyed one and the relieved one. In a way, your not showing up kind of revealed to me that a relationship with you was definitely not what I needed in my life right now. It'd be just one more thing for me to deal with. Besides, it's probably not God's timing. I really should learn to focus on Him more and less on "him". :)
First, my interview with my ALO went really. It was very similar to my interview when I went to Summer Seminar and, of course, quite fun. I enjoyed having to think of answers to questions - like a job interview but weirder questions: "when was the last time you had to deal with a real jerk?" - uh? No clue?
I went out and bought a bunch of baking chocolate, cocoa and such to make cookies. I love making cookies. 'Tis my passion. :D
The A-Man never showed up. Kinda sad, but honestly, I didn't really think he would show up. Like, as weird as that sounds, I kinda doubted it. I mean, he emailed me/chatted with me a lot until I said that he'd have to meet my parents/come to my house. Then he kinda dropped off the face of the earth. Rarely on AIM, not replying to emails, lol. Although, I would've much preferred him to email me and say "uh...never mind then". But, that must be a guy thing or So, yeah.
Weirdly, I also kind of decided that it's kind of a good thing he didn't show up because the more I thought about it, the more I realized that a relationship with him would be way complicated. Plus, as this is my last year of high school, I should really focus on my grades and a boyfriend would probably just cause too much stress. Plus, I work most weekends so...yeah. Anyway, those are my thoughts.
So, thanks a lot, A-Man, for not showing up. In both meanings of "thanks a lot". The annoyed one and the relieved one. In a way, your not showing up kind of revealed to me that a relationship with you was definitely not what I needed in my life right now. It'd be just one more thing for me to deal with. Besides, it's probably not God's timing. I really should learn to focus on Him more and less on "him". :)
Friday, August 15, 2008
I'm back!
So I'm home from North Carolina! It was a lot of fun down there. Very sunny though. On the first day there, we all decided to go to the beach, slathered on sunscreen and went in the water. Of course, all the sunscreen came off and we all received sunburn for our efforts. Of course, some of us received it worse than others. My brothers were both red and my younger sister, who has very pale skin in general, was so incredibly burnt that she could barely move. And she even has blisters on her nose. I, luckily, was barely burnt. I feel so sorry for my younger sister. And my older sis was somewhere between the boys and my younger sis. It was incredible burning, lol. But, luckily, us girls all got lovely new shirts out of it - to avoid touching It's wonderful.
Tomorrow is my meeting with my Academy Liasion Officer. I'm kind of nervous about the meeting because of the questions I know he will ask (but I just have to think of answers, lol). Other than that, I think it should be a relatively smooth meeting.
Speaking of the Academy, I've decided to apply to Annapolis as well, just in case. We drove past the campus on our way home and my dad was like "so this is where you'll be going for the next four years". lol. Both my 'rents are much happier with my going to Annapolis over the Academy because it is "closer to home" and I could go home on breaks, and not have to pay for incredible airline prices, lol. I'm not sure if I mind either way. Whatever.
I've decided to stop thinking about a potential love life because it requires too much thought and takes too much time away from other things - such as physical fitness tests for ROTC and the Academies. So, on that subject, I think I have nothing more to say. Now, to quote "A Chorus Line":
"Kiss today goodbye,
The sweetness and the sorrow,
Wish me luck, the same to you,
But I can't regret
What I did for love, what I did for love,
Look my eyes are dry,
The gift was ours to borrow,
It's as if we always knew,
And I won't forget what I did for love,
What I did for love,
Gone, Love is never gone,
As we travel on,
Love's what we'll remember,
Kiss today goodbye,
And point me t'ward tomorrow,
We did what we had to do,
Won't forget, can't regret
What I did for Love"
Not that I did anything for love but still - lovely song. I love it. I also love "Tell Me On A Sunday" and "On My Own". I'll post the lyrics to "OMO" because it pretty much describes my life right now. And that's it.
"And now I'm all alone again
Nowhere to turn, no one to go to
Without a home, without a friend
Without a face to say hello to
But now the night is near
And I can make-believe he's here
Sometimes I walk alone at night
When everybody else is sleeping
I think of him and then I'm happy
With the company I'm keeping
The city goes to bed
And I can live inside my head
On my own
Pretending he's beside me
All alone
I walk with him 'til morning
Without him, I feel his arms around me
And when I lose my way,
I close my eyes and he has found me
In the rain
The pavement shines like silver
All the lights are misty in the river
In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight
And all I see is him and me forever and forever
And I know it's only in my mind
That I'm talking to myself and not to him
And although I know that he is blind
Still I say there's a way for us
I love him
But when the night is over
He is gone
The river's just a river
Without him, the world around me changes
The trees are bare and everywhere the streets are full of strangers
I love him
But every day I'm learning
All my life I've only been pretending
Without me, his world will go on turning
The world is full of happiness that I have never known
I love him
I love him
I love him...
But only on my own... "
Tomorrow is my meeting with my Academy Liasion Officer. I'm kind of nervous about the meeting because of the questions I know he will ask (but I just have to think of answers, lol). Other than that, I think it should be a relatively smooth meeting.
Speaking of the Academy, I've decided to apply to Annapolis as well, just in case. We drove past the campus on our way home and my dad was like "so this is where you'll be going for the next four years". lol. Both my 'rents are much happier with my going to Annapolis over the Academy because it is "closer to home" and I could go home on breaks, and not have to pay for incredible airline prices, lol. I'm not sure if I mind either way. Whatever.
I've decided to stop thinking about a potential love life because it requires too much thought and takes too much time away from other things - such as physical fitness tests for ROTC and the Academies. So, on that subject, I think I have nothing more to say. Now, to quote "A Chorus Line":
"Kiss today goodbye,
The sweetness and the sorrow,
Wish me luck, the same to you,
But I can't regret
What I did for love, what I did for love,
Look my eyes are dry,
The gift was ours to borrow,
It's as if we always knew,
And I won't forget what I did for love,
What I did for love,
Gone, Love is never gone,
As we travel on,
Love's what we'll remember,
Kiss today goodbye,
And point me t'ward tomorrow,
We did what we had to do,
Won't forget, can't regret
What I did for Love"
Not that I did anything for love but still - lovely song. I love it. I also love "Tell Me On A Sunday" and "On My Own". I'll post the lyrics to "OMO" because it pretty much describes my life right now. And that's it.
"And now I'm all alone again
Nowhere to turn, no one to go to
Without a home, without a friend
Without a face to say hello to
But now the night is near
And I can make-believe he's here
Sometimes I walk alone at night
When everybody else is sleeping
I think of him and then I'm happy
With the company I'm keeping
The city goes to bed
And I can live inside my head
On my own
Pretending he's beside me
All alone
I walk with him 'til morning
Without him, I feel his arms around me
And when I lose my way,
I close my eyes and he has found me
In the rain
The pavement shines like silver
All the lights are misty in the river
In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight
And all I see is him and me forever and forever
And I know it's only in my mind
That I'm talking to myself and not to him
And although I know that he is blind
Still I say there's a way for us
I love him
But when the night is over
He is gone
The river's just a river
Without him, the world around me changes
The trees are bare and everywhere the streets are full of strangers
I love him
But every day I'm learning
All my life I've only been pretending
Without me, his world will go on turning
The world is full of happiness that I have never known
I love him
I love him
I love him...
But only on my own... "
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Vay Cay!
So, I'm off on vacation...or vay cay...cause I'm cool like that. :D It's very awesome. We're headed to North Carolina with a stop over in Richmond. It'll be fantastically cool. We're staying with my uncle, aunt and their dog, as I've said.
So, yup. That's what's happening. I won't be posting for a while accordingly. Live life! Love it!
So, yup. That's what's happening. I won't be posting for a while accordingly. Live life! Love it!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Today's Events
I've found that I've begun posting almost everyday...I guess I just have a lot to tell everyone... :D
Today I worked on my personal statements for both ROTC and USAFA. It's pretty funny how totally different the questions are. As well as everything else. You need almost completely different information for both. It's almost like they don't want to be anything I decided that I'll apply to USNA as well. It's basically the same application as USAFA so why not? And I'm applying for nominations from my senators anyway so...why not?
That's kind of one of my many mottos for life: "why not?" "define naughty" (semi-inside joke) "failure is not an option" etc. Read 'em all on Facebook... :)
I've been reading a lot lately, which is nice. I have quite a bit to do but it's still nice to just sit and read.
Oh! And I pulled out my new old computer today and turned it on! It's this old Windows 95, Microsoft Office 97 computer someone was offering for free before they threw it out... And I thought, "hey, why not? I could buy some more RAM, a bigger HDD, etc., etc. and make it a lovely computer for my room!" So it's mine. And it came with a monitor, keyboard, mouse and printer...So, good deal for free. But it definitely needs more memory (only like 32 megs!) and probably a bunch of other stuff too. And I'm not sure if it will even work with our network, lol. The only thing it has a port for is a dial-up connection so I might have to fiddle with our lovely cables to get them to fit...but it'll be fun! I'm excited.
Challenges are excitingly fun!
Today I worked on my personal statements for both ROTC and USAFA. It's pretty funny how totally different the questions are. As well as everything else. You need almost completely different information for both. It's almost like they don't want to be anything I decided that I'll apply to USNA as well. It's basically the same application as USAFA so why not? And I'm applying for nominations from my senators anyway so...why not?
That's kind of one of my many mottos for life: "why not?" "define naughty" (semi-inside joke) "failure is not an option" etc. Read 'em all on Facebook... :)
I've been reading a lot lately, which is nice. I have quite a bit to do but it's still nice to just sit and read.
Oh! And I pulled out my new old computer today and turned it on! It's this old Windows 95, Microsoft Office 97 computer someone was offering for free before they threw it out... And I thought, "hey, why not? I could buy some more RAM, a bigger HDD, etc., etc. and make it a lovely computer for my room!" So it's mine. And it came with a monitor, keyboard, mouse and printer...So, good deal for free. But it definitely needs more memory (only like 32 megs!) and probably a bunch of other stuff too. And I'm not sure if it will even work with our network, lol. The only thing it has a port for is a dial-up connection so I might have to fiddle with our lovely cables to get them to fit...but it'll be fun! I'm excited.
Challenges are excitingly fun!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Music and Everything
Well...good news! I wrote to the A-Man to ask him if he'd received my email. He said he had and the 16th was fine. Give him directions and he'll meet me at my house. :D I'm very happy!!
I love, love, LOVE! Ludovico Einaudi's music. He definitely knows how to invoke emotions of many different kinds. Most of his music is very soothing and relaxing. I, however, love it. Listen to Primavera ("Spring") or any of his other music for that matter. I definitely recommend it to everyone.
I'm meeting with my ALO on the 16th as well for my interview for USAFA. I'm kind of nervous but rather excited at the same time. I'm nervous because it's an interview and, honestly, how can you not be nervous? But I'm excited because the interview means I'm still in the running for a slot at the Academy, which I definitely want! So...yeah.
However, I have reasons to be happy too. I'm meeting with the A-Man that day too! Cool, eh? Very cool. I'm happy.
"Oh, frabjous day! Calloo! Callay!" (to quote Lewis Carroll)
Monday, August 4, 2008
Yet another addition of my lovely I love it already.
Today I went for a run. It was gorgeous. I love running... :D I have no clue how far it is I run but I do know how long I run. Not that I can really use that as an indicator, however, because I take our dog with me. And our dog still doesn't get running beside people (he's a puppy - 6 months old). He does know how to run in front of people...but beside them, no. So...he kind of causes my running to slow It's still fun though.
I also watched "The Truth Project" videos today. We watched the 9th and 10th ones one the State and on the American Experiment. I found the second more interesting than the first, personally. They were both a bit better than some others but still interesting. I quite enjoyed them.
So, this entry is way short. I just realized that I write these massively long blog entries, which I suppose is the purpose of a blog but still. I feel for the poor people forcing themselves through my mindless drivel to find the real issues, lol.
One thing which is kind of bugging me right now: the A-Man has not written back. Now, before anyone thinks that sounds possessive or something, it's not. He generally writes back the next day, or at most, in two days. But it has been like 4 days now and not a word. Nothing on Facebook, AIM, email, etc. I'm wondering if my email was lost in cyberspace or something? Or maybe he just doesn't care that much? ponder... Still, if I were a guy, I'd at least send an email to say "no thanks" before disappearing off the planet
Ah, but c'est la vie...and I must live it.
We leave on Saturday.
Today I went for a run. It was gorgeous. I love running... :D I have no clue how far it is I run but I do know how long I run. Not that I can really use that as an indicator, however, because I take our dog with me. And our dog still doesn't get running beside people (he's a puppy - 6 months old). He does know how to run in front of people...but beside them, no. So...he kind of causes my running to slow It's still fun though.
I also watched "The Truth Project" videos today. We watched the 9th and 10th ones one the State and on the American Experiment. I found the second more interesting than the first, personally. They were both a bit better than some others but still interesting. I quite enjoyed them.
So, this entry is way short. I just realized that I write these massively long blog entries, which I suppose is the purpose of a blog but still. I feel for the poor people forcing themselves through my mindless drivel to find the real issues, lol.
One thing which is kind of bugging me right now: the A-Man has not written back. Now, before anyone thinks that sounds possessive or something, it's not. He generally writes back the next day, or at most, in two days. But it has been like 4 days now and not a word. Nothing on Facebook, AIM, email, etc. I'm wondering if my email was lost in cyberspace or something? Or maybe he just doesn't care that much? ponder... Still, if I were a guy, I'd at least send an email to say "no thanks" before disappearing off the planet
Ah, but c'est la vie...and I must live it.
We leave on Saturday.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Another Addition of Pathos and Komos
So, today a couple things happened:
I went to church. That was pretty cool. I got to hang out with all the super awesome guys that are there (guys in the gender-neutral sense). One guy (in the masculine sense) is pretty funny. Unfortunately, his name starts with A he's not the'know, I've just decided that coming up with random names for people is incredibly and annoyingly confusing. I'll just call them by their names...except the A-Man. So, Adam (the guy at church) cracks me up all the time. He's just so funny, serious and smart, too. But some people don't really like him because he's slightly (meaning...totally) ADHD. Honestly, I don't really mind. In my opinion, everyone is ADHD. In fact, it's inherent in all humans. We have a natural tendency to allow our minds to wander. Just in some people that tendency is more obvious than in others, lol. So...yeah.
Just to clarify, I'm not *interested* in Adam. He's just a really, really great guy.
So after church, Hannah (a friend of mine) was going to the movie theatre with Andy (who's not her boyfriend but they've gone out, mutual dating without being bf/gf...sorta). But her mom wasn't keen on her going alone (I guess 'cause they're not bf/gf...?) so another guy named Tyler was going. However, I guess having two guys alone in a dark movie theatre didn't swing so well with Hannah's mom so I was pulled into it. And of course, then there was choosing the movie. They were all like "Let's see Hancock!" and I was like, "Um...idk..." So then they wanted to see "The Dark Knight" which I totally can't see without another Dark Knight, lol. Or by myself. But I was definitely not going to see it with non-DKs... That might seem really....selfish, I guess. But that's just the way I feel about it. So, I'll see it by myself...or with another DK...or something. :)
We saw "Hancock". I have one thing to say on that film: Don't See It. Unless, of course, you like films with no real plot, the lack of a steady-cam, and in which the most commonly used word is a**hole... Because if you like those movies, by all means, cart yourself off to your local theatre and suffer through the 1hr and 30 min film. Otherwise, don't waste your money. Because, it'd honestly be a waste. In fact, I wouldn't even recommend renting it. (Unless you got free rentals or something and absolutely could not think of a movie to see, in which case, call me and I'll give you suggestions so your eyeballs don't have to suffer the visions of "Hancock".) Oh - and one more thing: in one scene, they circled Hancock's head, to like show him off or something, but they circled it like 10 times... Seriously, Hannah and Andy were both like "I'm getting dizzy....".
Tyler and I laughed and made wise-cracks throughout the whole show to each other. Hannah and Andy were in their own little world the occasional "shhh, Karen!" lol. Honestly, I'm never loud in theatres - unless it's a stupid show. :)
Tonight, my family and I went to see "Romeo and Juliet" at the local Shakespeare Festival. It was very cool. I've seen "R+J" in the Franco Zefferelli (sp?) film with the incredible Harry Mancini theme song (which I adore!), and the interesting bedroom (Sidenote: when my older sis and I saw that scene were kept sticking our hand on the tv and saying 'censored image!' and it made it an absolutely comical scene to watch...) Anyway, seeing it performed on stage was amazing. The Romeo and the Juliet had incredible chemistry with each other. At the very end, they were both literally sobbing over the funeral... I was like, "'re actually crying!" And because it was live, you could tell it wasn't edited in or anything! I'm sure seeing "R+J" would've been incredibly romantic if you were there as a couple (and there were quite a few couples there). As it was, my lovely 4 siblings (3 younger) kept it And my youngest sibling kept moving... And everyone kept moving... Probably because we were sitting on a blanket on grass and the grass wasn't that comfortable after 1.5 year has been going well. I'll be starting school again soon...probably within the next couple weeks. And I leave for North Carolina on Saturday. That'll be interesting...lllllllooooonnnnnngggggggg trip... Happily, we are doing it in two runs: Saturday we go to Richmond. Sunday we finish the trip to southern North (almost South) Carolina. *sigh*
And...that's it.
I went to church. That was pretty cool. I got to hang out with all the super awesome guys that are there (guys in the gender-neutral sense). One guy (in the masculine sense) is pretty funny. Unfortunately, his name starts with A he's not the'know, I've just decided that coming up with random names for people is incredibly and annoyingly confusing. I'll just call them by their names...except the A-Man. So, Adam (the guy at church) cracks me up all the time. He's just so funny, serious and smart, too. But some people don't really like him because he's slightly (meaning...totally) ADHD. Honestly, I don't really mind. In my opinion, everyone is ADHD. In fact, it's inherent in all humans. We have a natural tendency to allow our minds to wander. Just in some people that tendency is more obvious than in others, lol. So...yeah.
Just to clarify, I'm not *interested* in Adam. He's just a really, really great guy.
So after church, Hannah (a friend of mine) was going to the movie theatre with Andy (who's not her boyfriend but they've gone out, mutual dating without being bf/gf...sorta). But her mom wasn't keen on her going alone (I guess 'cause they're not bf/gf...?) so another guy named Tyler was going. However, I guess having two guys alone in a dark movie theatre didn't swing so well with Hannah's mom so I was pulled into it. And of course, then there was choosing the movie. They were all like "Let's see Hancock!" and I was like, "Um...idk..." So then they wanted to see "The Dark Knight" which I totally can't see without another Dark Knight, lol. Or by myself. But I was definitely not going to see it with non-DKs... That might seem really....selfish, I guess. But that's just the way I feel about it. So, I'll see it by myself...or with another DK...or something. :)
We saw "Hancock". I have one thing to say on that film: Don't See It. Unless, of course, you like films with no real plot, the lack of a steady-cam, and in which the most commonly used word is a**hole... Because if you like those movies, by all means, cart yourself off to your local theatre and suffer through the 1hr and 30 min film. Otherwise, don't waste your money. Because, it'd honestly be a waste. In fact, I wouldn't even recommend renting it. (Unless you got free rentals or something and absolutely could not think of a movie to see, in which case, call me and I'll give you suggestions so your eyeballs don't have to suffer the visions of "Hancock".) Oh - and one more thing: in one scene, they circled Hancock's head, to like show him off or something, but they circled it like 10 times... Seriously, Hannah and Andy were both like "I'm getting dizzy....".
Tyler and I laughed and made wise-cracks throughout the whole show to each other. Hannah and Andy were in their own little world the occasional "shhh, Karen!" lol. Honestly, I'm never loud in theatres - unless it's a stupid show. :)
Tonight, my family and I went to see "Romeo and Juliet" at the local Shakespeare Festival. It was very cool. I've seen "R+J" in the Franco Zefferelli (sp?) film with the incredible Harry Mancini theme song (which I adore!), and the interesting bedroom (Sidenote: when my older sis and I saw that scene were kept sticking our hand on the tv and saying 'censored image!' and it made it an absolutely comical scene to watch...) Anyway, seeing it performed on stage was amazing. The Romeo and the Juliet had incredible chemistry with each other. At the very end, they were both literally sobbing over the funeral... I was like, "'re actually crying!" And because it was live, you could tell it wasn't edited in or anything! I'm sure seeing "R+J" would've been incredibly romantic if you were there as a couple (and there were quite a few couples there). As it was, my lovely 4 siblings (3 younger) kept it And my youngest sibling kept moving... And everyone kept moving... Probably because we were sitting on a blanket on grass and the grass wasn't that comfortable after 1.5 year has been going well. I'll be starting school again soon...probably within the next couple weeks. And I leave for North Carolina on Saturday. That'll be interesting...lllllllooooonnnnnngggggggg trip... Happily, we are doing it in two runs: Saturday we go to Richmond. Sunday we finish the trip to southern North (almost South) Carolina. *sigh*
And...that's it.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Things That Are Semi-Interesting
So, I've been listening to Billy Joel a lot lately which is pretty funny. I like his music even if the words aren't the greatest. I mean, he's totally not a Christian but his music is good. It's too confusing, lol. I don't really think it's "bad" though, if you know what I mean. Anyway, I think the real issue is the fact that the songs I like aren't really the best: "Only the Good Die Young", "My Life" and "You May Be Right"
I picked up Breaking Dawn at Borders today. It's okay so far. I don't think it is as good as Twilight and maybe a bit better than Eclipse. It's definitely better than New Moon though. Then again, I didn't like NM at :D
I'm having to worry about applying to colleges now and as it is August, I really do need to get the ball rolling. I've got a few ideas for colleges to apply to but I still need to come up with one or two more. I'll keep an update on this.
Advice: Never Get A Job As A Caterer. I am a caterer right now and it is the most mind-numbing job on earth. Like, garbage collecting would be more get the super awesome garbage truck! lol. Anyway, it's a ton of work, no one really ever acknowledges what you do, you encounter people at the weddings just for the open bar...sigh. I think the funniest part is how you tell people not to take their beer bottles on the dance floor...and they do it anyway. Then they drop the bottles, which shatter, and keep dancing bare-footed. As soon as someone steps in the glass however (which is generally so soon that you can't exactly prevent it), they blame you. It's, we told you not to dance with your beer...duh? Anyway, so that's advice. Don't get a job as a caterer. Be a waitress...or a garbage collector. It'd be more least, I think it would, lol.
As for the situation with the A-Man, I don't know what's happening. I suggested the 16th because we're out of town on the 9th but haven't heard back. I don't know if that means no, never mind, I'm giving up, yes, maybe or what. So confusing, lol. Ah well, it'll allllllll work out in the end...eventually. God's will be done and all that.
I picked up Breaking Dawn at Borders today. It's okay so far. I don't think it is as good as Twilight and maybe a bit better than Eclipse. It's definitely better than New Moon though. Then again, I didn't like NM at :D
I'm having to worry about applying to colleges now and as it is August, I really do need to get the ball rolling. I've got a few ideas for colleges to apply to but I still need to come up with one or two more. I'll keep an update on this.
Advice: Never Get A Job As A Caterer. I am a caterer right now and it is the most mind-numbing job on earth. Like, garbage collecting would be more get the super awesome garbage truck! lol. Anyway, it's a ton of work, no one really ever acknowledges what you do, you encounter people at the weddings just for the open bar...sigh. I think the funniest part is how you tell people not to take their beer bottles on the dance floor...and they do it anyway. Then they drop the bottles, which shatter, and keep dancing bare-footed. As soon as someone steps in the glass however (which is generally so soon that you can't exactly prevent it), they blame you. It's, we told you not to dance with your beer...duh? Anyway, so that's advice. Don't get a job as a caterer. Be a waitress...or a garbage collector. It'd be more least, I think it would, lol.
As for the situation with the A-Man, I don't know what's happening. I suggested the 16th because we're out of town on the 9th but haven't heard back. I don't know if that means no, never mind, I'm giving up, yes, maybe or what. So confusing, lol. Ah well, it'll allllllll work out in the end...eventually. God's will be done and all that.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
So, an update. The A-Man wrote back! He pretty much said that he'd come up to see me...which is like a three hour drive. So...there's potential that this might end up working My parents/family could meet him so...yeah...
That was a really short update.
Random comment: I had a pedicure today. My first ever. It was fun - there was a chair massage as well. :D
That's it.
That was a really short update.
Random comment: I had a pedicure today. My first ever. It was fun - there was a chair massage as well. :D
That's it.
Drama....and comedy....and yeah
So, my first entry on my tenth blog, lol. Actually, I think it's like my fourth. Anyway, I always had a lot of difficulty making blogs because I never understood why I should pour my heart out onto an internet page that anyone can read...So, with that in mind, let the heart pouring begin.
As for the name of the blog, I've always been told that if my family/life were a movie, it'd probably be a sitcom. And honestly, that's probably right. But there's a lot of drama too, thus, Dramatic Comedy. And Pathos is the Greek for tragedy and Komos is Greek for comedy so Brilliant, if I can say so myself... :p
I'm am rather annoyed with the 'rents right now. It seems whenever I come up with a brilliant plan, they kind of joke around and give me "non-options" which I don't recognize as "non-options" and run with. For example, there's this guy (A-Man) that asked me to meet him in a nearby city on Saturday. Now, don't think I'm like meeting guys over the internet or whatnot because I'm not. In fact, I know this guy. We spent like 10 days together this summer... (form your own opinions).
Anyway, so I wanted to meet this guy and asked my parents if it was cool. And surprisingly, they said yes. I was really surprised mainly because I knew that my dad had this rule that I wasn't allowed to date until he met the dude. So, even if it wasn't a date, I was still going to be alone with the A-Man and anyway. So, yeah, I was kind of surprised. And then my dad gave me a 'non-option', which I failed to recognize as a 'non-option', and told me I could take the train/bus if I wanted. So, I looked up train tix and emailed the A-Man to see if he could pick me up at the train station. He said he could and that's kind of when my dad realized that I was serious and not being "silly". And he informed me that the train was a 'non-option' that he had presented as a way of demonstrating how complicated it would be for me to meet the A-Man. So, I guess I failed, lol.
Then I received a wonderful lecture on dating guys my dad hasn't met to which I kept saying things along the lines of "but what do I say to the A-Man? I can't like say no after saying yes!" So my dad told me I had to tell him no, but I could invite him up to our place on Saturday instead. In fact, my father even said that if he wanted to come up for dinner on Saturday, spend the night, and drive back Sunday, that'd be cool. (Now, that shocked me.) Or, I could cart along my 13 year old a) he wouldn't want to go, b) that'd be incredibly awkward, c)
So, I had to email the A-Man and tell him. And I kind of feel like scum for saying yes and then having to cancel. I really wanted to meet up with him as well... Like, it's so hard having to say no after saying yes, especially when I thought I had parental support. And now I find out that it was all 'non-options' not real 'options'. So I failed the test, lol, and I'll bet the guy never speaks to me again because I've been (in my opinion) treating him badly. Like, personally, if I was the dude, I'd feel stupid or something if a girl said yes and cancelled, said yes and cancelled, then invited me to drive twice the distance on the off-chance that her parents said she could date me. But, that's probably why I'm a girl, not a guy, lol.
I've come to the conclusion, yet again, that I think too much and I should just let things run their course. Honestly, I can't control everything which is slightly an issue of mine, lol.
Ah, btw - I thought I'd keep this blog throughout my senior year. Kind of like an inside look into a senior's last year. :D
As for the name of the blog, I've always been told that if my family/life were a movie, it'd probably be a sitcom. And honestly, that's probably right. But there's a lot of drama too, thus, Dramatic Comedy. And Pathos is the Greek for tragedy and Komos is Greek for comedy so Brilliant, if I can say so myself... :p
I'm am rather annoyed with the 'rents right now. It seems whenever I come up with a brilliant plan, they kind of joke around and give me "non-options" which I don't recognize as "non-options" and run with. For example, there's this guy (A-Man) that asked me to meet him in a nearby city on Saturday. Now, don't think I'm like meeting guys over the internet or whatnot because I'm not. In fact, I know this guy. We spent like 10 days together this summer... (form your own opinions).
Anyway, so I wanted to meet this guy and asked my parents if it was cool. And surprisingly, they said yes. I was really surprised mainly because I knew that my dad had this rule that I wasn't allowed to date until he met the dude. So, even if it wasn't a date, I was still going to be alone with the A-Man and anyway. So, yeah, I was kind of surprised. And then my dad gave me a 'non-option', which I failed to recognize as a 'non-option', and told me I could take the train/bus if I wanted. So, I looked up train tix and emailed the A-Man to see if he could pick me up at the train station. He said he could and that's kind of when my dad realized that I was serious and not being "silly". And he informed me that the train was a 'non-option' that he had presented as a way of demonstrating how complicated it would be for me to meet the A-Man. So, I guess I failed, lol.
Then I received a wonderful lecture on dating guys my dad hasn't met to which I kept saying things along the lines of "but what do I say to the A-Man? I can't like say no after saying yes!" So my dad told me I had to tell him no, but I could invite him up to our place on Saturday instead. In fact, my father even said that if he wanted to come up for dinner on Saturday, spend the night, and drive back Sunday, that'd be cool. (Now, that shocked me.) Or, I could cart along my 13 year old a) he wouldn't want to go, b) that'd be incredibly awkward, c)
So, I had to email the A-Man and tell him. And I kind of feel like scum for saying yes and then having to cancel. I really wanted to meet up with him as well... Like, it's so hard having to say no after saying yes, especially when I thought I had parental support. And now I find out that it was all 'non-options' not real 'options'. So I failed the test, lol, and I'll bet the guy never speaks to me again because I've been (in my opinion) treating him badly. Like, personally, if I was the dude, I'd feel stupid or something if a girl said yes and cancelled, said yes and cancelled, then invited me to drive twice the distance on the off-chance that her parents said she could date me. But, that's probably why I'm a girl, not a guy, lol.
I've come to the conclusion, yet again, that I think too much and I should just let things run their course. Honestly, I can't control everything which is slightly an issue of mine, lol.
Ah, btw - I thought I'd keep this blog throughout my senior year. Kind of like an inside look into a senior's last year. :D
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