Friday, May 29, 2009

Things I Wrote in Yearbooks

"don't drink and derive"
"never kiss a guy with gum in your mouth"
"when on the ladder of success, don't let guys look up your dress"
"there's a difference between geeks and nerds. I happen to be both"
"to my biggest fan"
(to a guy named Rane) "when it Ranes, it pours"
"it makes me smile, it makes me laugh, to think you want my autograph, but that's okay, I think it's fine, here: Karen Chinnery, that'll be $9.99"
(written really really small) "sorry for taking up so much room"
(written really really big) "sorry I couldn't use any more room, other people wrote first"
"when at first you don't succeed, do it how your mother told you"
"when life gives you lemons, make grape juice then sit back and watch the world wonder how you did it"
"live free and die hard"
"if you die laughing, you're still dead"

Yup... there were others too but I can't remember them...

Thursday, May 28, 2009


of Life

So, I'm done school. I finished on the 23rd of May. I don't graduate until the 6th of June but I'm done by school standards. I, personally, feel obligated to finish my British Lit text however. And I'm definitely going to finish Physics because it's kinda interesting, haha....

I have a whole junkload of forms to send in to USAFA which are due on the 1st and I didn't remember any of that until like yesterday. So I'm frantically filling out security clearance forms and immunization records and all that other stuff.

Took Susan out for coffee yesterday and we had a long chat about guys and relationships. It's funny cause we seem to be at similar stages in our relationships, lol. And we have like the same thoughts/concerns/etc. Kinda peculiar, actually. But I guess that we're so similar it works out. It was nice getting to talk to her again cause she's really the one who grounds me, lol. Like, I'm the crazy one who jumps into things and ends up biting her foot off going "ohhh...should not have done that". And Susan's the one who grabs me by my arm and yanks me back from the edge of the cliff going "don't be stupid, you idiot, duh you shouldn't do that!" Hahaha...I'd spend so much time in jail without her, lol! Not, jail jail - cause like I wouldn't break the law, but like a mental/emotional jail cause I'd messed up my life. She's so sensible. I need that sort of sensible person keeping me from going too crazy-crazy. :) I <3 her.

Chilled with Jason on Monday. Had fun. We were watching Star Trek - the original series - at first but the episode ended so we watched the world's strongest man competition on ESPN instead, lol. And yes, we did actually watch it (Sarah). =P I think we're going out again tonight unless something changes...

Yearbook signings today at TEK. I have a bunch of lovely funny things to write in people's yearbooks. I'm excited hahaha! Things like "Friendship is like peeing your pants: everyone can see it but only you can feel the warmth" :P (I'm not doing that one)

Sooooo yeah.
Life continues.
21 days. :/

Saturday, May 23, 2009


So I went to prom tonight (last night?). It was actually pretty lame haha...

Let me start earlier.

I went and got my hair and makeup done professionally before hand. It was a lot of fun and I loved the stylist I had. She was funny, and we had similar taste in music, etc. :)

I'll post pix of that on FB.

So wow - yeah, this prom? Like, the DJ could not. I mean, the entire dance was done by requests so the music was all like couples songs and that sort of thing... Like, if I were DJing and after turning on a song, the entire floor cleared, I think I'd change the song?! But nooooo...instead, we got to sit through like four different dedicated songs and a ton of slow songs. And the first song they played was "Boom Boom Pow" which isn't exactly a "get out of your seat and rock your bahootie off" song. lol...whatevahh!

I did have a relatively good time though. I kinda texted my eternal love, my older sister, Derek and Jason throughout so I always had something to look forward to when I sat down - which happened a lot hahaha!

Seriously, the church dance I went to was more rocking than this one! Kinda messed up. I think stating the rules before the dance kinda dampened the environment though: "Your lips are yours - don't kiss here. And, if it looks like you would be having sex without your clothes, don't do it." Pshhhh - that kinda cut out like aaaaaalllll the dancing possible! Hahaha

Not that I wanted to dance like I was having sex. Puh-lease. That's actually really nasty. I. Wouldn't. Do. That.

So yeah... I'm glad I went cause it is senior prom. But it met my expectations of kinda sucking so...yeah...

Any other questions, please ask.

No, I did not dance with anyone. No one asked. :(

Thursday, May 21, 2009


oh. my. goodness.

Last night, I totally reunited with this guy named Colin that I used to know. He and I were in elementary school together and I was totally going to marry him. Like, that was my mission in life - marry Colin. He was like a brainiac, cute, smart, funny and I just happened to like him. And I found him again on FB. And he's still a brainiac and smart and funny.

And he was in CAP. (OH MY GAWSH)
And he was applying to USAFA (bad experiences in CAP caused him to stop)
And he's studying Engineering (sexy degree program, lol)
And he's going to Harvey Mudd (where I almost applied - but I decided I didn't like the school colors, hahaha)
And - get this - he tried to find me like two years ago. And his best friend told him to stop, leave me alone, and let me get on with my life.

I've been trying to find him for years on FB!! Like, YEARS. Finally found him.

Was up until like 3am talking to him...
Good times
Good times...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

To Do

This is my to-do list so I can keep it in mind:

1) Finish Harold George Paper (3 pages!)
2) Finish Tacoma Narrows Bridge Paper (2.5 pages!)
4) Finish physics
5) Start Calc 2
6) Take practice placement test in math
7) Get measured for uniform for USAFA
8) Get medical forms signed for USAFA
9) Get eye exam and eye exam forms signed
10) Go to prom
10.1) Look up places to get hair styled with Hannah and Sarah before prom
11) Finish physics
12) Finish physics

Friday, May 15, 2009


So, this is kinda a seriousish post but lately I've had a lot of people wondering why I'm joining the military and aren't I afraid to go to Iraq and all this other crazy stuff. So, I'd kinda like to settle it all.

1) I am joining the military cause I want to. There are so many benefits to having a job when I get out of school, guaranteed pay, and having medical/dental insurance as well. It's a great deal - I don't know why everyone doesn't do it.
2) Also, as a first-generation American, I sort of want to give something back to this lovely country - thus USAF.
3) I am not afraid to go to Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran or anywhere overseas. I always wanted to travel the world and if God so destines me to start said travels at an Air Force base in Baghdad, so be it.
4) I am not afraid of dying while serving overseas. If that is my fate and that is how I would best serve the military, then I'll do it.
4.1) I am kinda afraid of it hurting - like if I were shot in a non-fatal spot and died from infection or something, lol. I could care less about the dying bit but I'd prefer if it didn't hurt a whole ton, k, thanks.
5) I would not be terribly upset if I were stationed to a 10-year tour in Nebraska. I'm sure I could find some way to amuse myself.
6) It. Will. Be. Awesome.

Thanks everyone.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Ahem. Jason asked me to be his girlfriend so I guess we're dating. The end.

I AM AN EAKER CADET!!!!! My Eaker finally went through (but was backdated to the 25th of April, lol) and I am now officially Eaker #2060. :D

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Star Trek

Yay! I'm going to see "Star Trek" today!! I'm going to drive to Lancaster and get Jason and we're going to go see it. Then, I'll spend the night at his parent's house before driving back to DE to take Adrian to the dentist on Friday. :) I'm soooo excited!! Yay! It'll be awwwwweeeeesome. :D

And so yeah, Friday, Allison and Ian are going to shadow a student all day at New Castle Christian School so I'll have the house to myself. Adrian will be at Dickinson, Mother will have started work, Allison and Ian will be at NCCS.

Speaking of mother and work, my mom is going back into the work force! She was hired by Boeing after being out of the work force for over 15 years!! She's going into Systems Engineering or something like that. I'm excited for her - I think it'll be good for her to get out of the house and the "homeschooling mom" shell. Go back to work - regain a life so to speak, lol. :) It'll be good for my dear mother. Especially as she is rapidly becoming an "empty-nester"...

Monday, May 4, 2009


So, Saturday Lauren came over and slept over for Sunday because we had Point-to-Point on Sunday (rain or shine, lol). Well, at 11am, just when we were almost leaving, we got a call that the parade was cancelled due to rain. How lame is that?! So we decided to go to the Plane Pull instead. But it was cancelled cause of rain too!!

So, Lauren and I went and got Caroline at the airport, went to Wal-Mart and bought tie-dye kits and t-shirts. :) And we tie-dyed at my kitchen table, hahaha!! Kinda stained the shower when I decided to hang the shirts to dry in the shower, lol...

Then we went out and saw "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" at the movie theatre. It was really cute and we laughed hysterically throughout it. I actually felt kinda bad for all the couples trying to have a nice snog in the back, lol - I'm sure our laughter was ruining all the romantic moments. For example: the final scene in the movie is this scene on swings where the girl is sitting there and the guy tickles her and they swing together (on dif. swings lol). But because of my recent incident involving the male gender and swings, we just laughed! And we kept waiting for her swing to break so she could "fall for him" like I had done, etc, etc... It was pretty funny, lol.

After the movie, we got Rita's Water Ice. (yum) and went to David's Bridal. And we invented a whole story to tell the attendants in the bridal shop. I was engaged to Jason, my ring is getting sized (which is why I don't have it) and we're thinking of a November wedding. :) Hahaha - it was awesome - and David's Bridal...was closed. :( So we wandered around every other closed shop and finally just went to the National Guard base to get Jason.

And we toured around the firehouse with Jeremiah while Jason got his stuff and we sat in the trucks and pretended to be firefighters. :) And then we finally left, lol. Dropped Caroline back off at the airport and I took Lauren and Jason to Acme - where we bought half-and-half - and then to home where we had dinner. Which involved an interrogation from my siblings - poor Jason, haha! It was kinda crazy...

Then mine papa and mother drove Lauren and Jason back and I came along for the ride. ;) lol Nice hour long drive back with lots of chances to laugh and have fun. And then I had to go into their house when they got there to try and get my hoodie back but we couldn't find it so after like 30-45 minutes at their house, Dadsy finally decided it was time to leave and we left.

What a great day though. Like, the whole P-2-P thing being cancelled sucked but the rest of the day was fantastic. It was like a G.N.O. but it was daytime haha...


Saturday, May 2, 2009


What I'd really like is someone to take up my Friday nights. Someone to take me out so I'm busy and won't end up babysitting every Friday.

If anyone wants to/knows anyone who would be willing to help me out, let me know or hook me up.
