Monday, May 4, 2009


So, Saturday Lauren came over and slept over for Sunday because we had Point-to-Point on Sunday (rain or shine, lol). Well, at 11am, just when we were almost leaving, we got a call that the parade was cancelled due to rain. How lame is that?! So we decided to go to the Plane Pull instead. But it was cancelled cause of rain too!!

So, Lauren and I went and got Caroline at the airport, went to Wal-Mart and bought tie-dye kits and t-shirts. :) And we tie-dyed at my kitchen table, hahaha!! Kinda stained the shower when I decided to hang the shirts to dry in the shower, lol...

Then we went out and saw "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" at the movie theatre. It was really cute and we laughed hysterically throughout it. I actually felt kinda bad for all the couples trying to have a nice snog in the back, lol - I'm sure our laughter was ruining all the romantic moments. For example: the final scene in the movie is this scene on swings where the girl is sitting there and the guy tickles her and they swing together (on dif. swings lol). But because of my recent incident involving the male gender and swings, we just laughed! And we kept waiting for her swing to break so she could "fall for him" like I had done, etc, etc... It was pretty funny, lol.

After the movie, we got Rita's Water Ice. (yum) and went to David's Bridal. And we invented a whole story to tell the attendants in the bridal shop. I was engaged to Jason, my ring is getting sized (which is why I don't have it) and we're thinking of a November wedding. :) Hahaha - it was awesome - and David's Bridal...was closed. :( So we wandered around every other closed shop and finally just went to the National Guard base to get Jason.

And we toured around the firehouse with Jeremiah while Jason got his stuff and we sat in the trucks and pretended to be firefighters. :) And then we finally left, lol. Dropped Caroline back off at the airport and I took Lauren and Jason to Acme - where we bought half-and-half - and then to home where we had dinner. Which involved an interrogation from my siblings - poor Jason, haha! It was kinda crazy...

Then mine papa and mother drove Lauren and Jason back and I came along for the ride. ;) lol Nice hour long drive back with lots of chances to laugh and have fun. And then I had to go into their house when they got there to try and get my hoodie back but we couldn't find it so after like 30-45 minutes at their house, Dadsy finally decided it was time to leave and we left.

What a great day though. Like, the whole P-2-P thing being cancelled sucked but the rest of the day was fantastic. It was like a G.N.O. but it was daytime haha...


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