Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Back at USAFA. It's great to be back BUT it's even better to be with Josh again. I had an amazing day with him spending the entire morning hanging out and....napping ;) Lots of new things and such went on...

Josh brought me back a lovely new journal from Washington. Apparently some friends of the family do book binding, etc. And, therefore, he has one for me. It's a gorgeous dark blue fabric seam with a cream and blue flower cover. Thick cream vellum paper fills the insides - and it's fantastic! I really, really like it... :)

I can't wait to spend time doing more exciting things - school starts again tomorrow. :) Lesson T36 - 9 more lessons, 6 finals and I AM OUTTA HERE!!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

So, almost time to head back to USAFA, and I can't wait! It's about time for me to return to the land of my love so...yeahhhhh... I can't wait to be back with Josh again :)

Went for lunch with the girls today - it was marvelous. We spent half an hour eating and three hours talking. It was absolutely fantastic - I loved getting to see them again and just chatting :)

Ah well...time to get back to work on something else, I imagine... Stupid papers

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I think my favorite part about this blog is no one reads it. Which means I'm quite literally free to write anything I want. I can write about what I like and what I don't like and I don't have to worry about some response or other... :)

My roomie is so annoying sometimes. She can be really nice and then really snobbish and sometimes I kinda sorta want to punch her. But I try to ignore her instead and it...sorta works. idk...w/e.

Josh leaves for Thanksgiving leave tomorrow. I'm going to miss him. I've kinda become used to heading over to his house every Friday night and staying until Sunday night. It's a nice routine and quite comfortable. But apparently....'tis not to be so. Instead, we have training this weekend and I won't be able to leave. Not that I'll want to as he'll be gone... sigh.

But I am going home - which is GREAT. I am planning on writing two papers I have and then sleeping and eating...and running. I'll probably go running a lot. And watch a lot of TV. And talk about Josh to everyone haha....

I dreamt about Josh last night, actually. Nothing special really - we were in Victoria for New Years and he kissed me. haha....SO cute, right?

UC2 is going well. I'm enjoying the class although it does make my arm sore after I finish it...
I'm trying to fix my arm. Apparently what they told me was a sprain back in August wasn't: it was a torn UCL. FANTASTIC. So I'm on ANOTHER form 18 and can't do any AFT/PFT nonsense. Highly depressing...

Life goes on...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

At Josh's house right now. Had a pretty awesome weekend. It was a three day weekend so I quite literally have been here since Thursday night. Such a happy camper :)

Thanksgiving leave starts in 9 days - I'm pretty pumped but at the same time, I'm kinda nervous. I am going to have to drive myself up to the airport and I've never actually done that before. And then I'll have to park my car, remember where I parked my car and take a bus to the airport. And then I'll have to....well, really, do it all by myself. Normally I have at least one other cadet with me or my sponsor family or Josh going with me so I'm not quite as nervous but....whatever. It'll be a good fun drive haha.

I don't think I have any big tests or anything this week - thank goodness! I have a lab in Dynamics due on Wednesday but I'm pretty sure that's it. Makes me really happy, honestly. I can finally have a slow week. And, this weekend is a SAMI so I can inspect rooms and have a wonderful fun time :)

I'll miss Josh while I'm on Thanksgiving break but hopefully I can spend the time productively, writing a paper, spending time with Susan and overall enjoying life. We shall see...

Friday, November 4, 2011

So I finally got Josh's birthday and Christmas gifts. Makes me pretty happy not to have to worry about that any more.

Lots of homework to be done today and tomorrow before going over to Josh.