Tuesday, April 24, 2012

If Josh gets approved to come out for Ring Dance, I will get to see him in 24 days!  I am SO excited, it's crazy.  I just want to be able to hug him again.  I miss having him in my arms.  Not like...sex in my arms.  Just holding in my arms.  I really like having him hold me.  It makes me immediately feel safer and like nothing bad could ever happen.  :)

The semester is almost over - thankfully!  I am so tired of studying right now.  I need a break.  And I will be so glad when next year is over.  It's my senior year next year and, after I graduate, I get to marry Josh and go live with him (hopefully!).  (I love how everything is dependent on the Air Force, my job and my base...sigh.)

I'm going to go try and watch some videos for engineering math now - trying to figure out the Fourier Transform thing...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So, I am so entirely in love with Josh that my life is like...fully about him. It doesn't matter what I am doing in life - I just want Josh there.

So, I've been trying to avoid thinking too much about wedding stuff because I don't want to be predicting my engagement to Josh. I want Josh to propose when he wants to propose and not because I said something... It's...challenging. He keeps making little comments which he knows will get a reaction out of me which is annoying because I am TRYING to be well behaved.

Had acrylic nails done today. I feel very sexy, feminine and empowered. I love it!!
Mouth is doing better. Left side really hurts; right side almost healed.

Wish I had a letter from Josh. I'd rather he just wrote me rather than send me a package of sorts but...whatever.

Semester is ALMOST OVER (thank God!). Lesson 34 of 40 today. Can hardly wait :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I had my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. My mouth is pretty swollen and my throat is very dry. I'm kinda...meh. My head is aching but I can't take any more motrin... sigh. I kinda wish Josh were here to take care of me but I understand he has to be in Mississippi studying. He's putting together a care package for me but I'm kinda...stuck on it. Like, I appreciate his thoughtfulness but I don't understand why he is sending me a care package. Part of me feels like he's sending it to me because I sent him one and I think that's silly. He shouldn't be sending me a package just because I sent him one. But, Josh will be Joshish and I have to let him...

My mouth is so annoying. My left hand side was a lot harder to do apparently and also apparently, I was highly emotional the entire way through. AND, my bone is highly dense.

Uhghhhhfakljflads I hate my mouth right now. And I abhor the taste of blood. It's disgusting.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'm thinking about getting a tattoo. JJJ on the underside of my ring finger but...idk. I'm not entirely sure yet. Maybe, maybe not.

I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow. I'm SO NERVOUS!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring break came and went. Only a few more lessons left until I am FINISHED with this year and almost done with USAFA. My summer academics class is scheduled to be Astro which will be fun. :)

On top of that, I got to see Josh again :) It was only for about 30 hours but it was still awesome and I was really happy to see him!

48 days until ring dance!!